Oddly, I contemplate putting my fingers inside it to see how similar to the real thing it actually is. I’ve never seen one up close before, but before I can make a decision on that, the clearing of a throat causes me to yelp and spin around.

“Nate!” My eyes go wide as I meet his, the embarrassing evidence still in my hand and open. “I-I…I thought you were sleeping?” I do my best to act normal as I cap it and shove it behind my back.

“What do you have there, Delaney?” he asks with a smirk. My cheeks flame.

“Absolutely nothing,” I squeak, trying to laugh it off.

“Nothing?” He lifts his brows and glances over my shoulder, which is where a big full-length mirror adorns the wall.Oh shit. Forgot about that.

“I, uh, was just…unpacking!” Not one to admit defeat, I tilt back and flick the damn thing behind me, hoping to get it in the open duffel.

“Unpacking my fleshlight?” he asks, his eyes following the tube as it rolls right off the bench and lands on the floor, the tilt of the ship allowing it to tumble across the carpet right toward him like a little traitor of lady parts everywhere.

“I thought it was a torch,” I quip, my voice high and tight as my face burns so bright I think I smell BBQ in here.

“A torch?” He releases a chuckle as he bends down to pick it up. “I guess itdoesmake me see flashing lights.”

“I’m sure it’s glorious,” I say, clearing my throat as I turn around and zip up his bag. “But I fail to see why you’d need it on a ten day cruise.”

“A man has needs, Delaney,” he says as he opens a drawer and throws it in like this isn’t the slightest bit embarrassing for him at all.

“Couldn’t you just use your hand if you were that desperate?”

“I could.” He meets my eyes as he steps toward me, closing the distance between us as my nipples decide to stand up and take notice. “But when I fuck, I like it tight and wet and silky smooth. My hand can be tight and it can be wet, but these things are rough as fuck. As you’d well know.”

“You should really get some moisturizer for them,” I whisper, my voice deep and lusty as the memory of those rough hands touching me plays out in my mind. “I have some. My…my company makes it.” I gulp and lift my eyes to his as his gaze drops to my lips.

“You’d moisturize my hands for me?” he murmurs, leaning in so close I feel the heat of his skin and the warmth of his breath. I shudder.

“If it’s what you wanted.” I breathe as everything in me tingles with anticipation. You know, I really should have hired a less delicious man to play the role of Liam. Once, I went to Vegas for a bachelorette weekend and saw that show, Thunder from Down Under. The guy looks like he belongs in something like that, dancing shirtless while women scream at him adoringly.

“What I want?” He lowers his head just enough that our lips brush, sending a spark roaring through me, right before he says, “I don’t think you can give me what I want,” and pulls back.

I blink twice, staring at him in confusion as I try to catch my breath. “What is it you want?” I ask.

But Nate doesn’t even get to open his mouth before there’s a knock on our cabin door.

“Open up!” Tony calls out, his voice muted. “My kids are making me nuts, and my wife won’t let me raid the mini bar.”

“I’m coming,” I call back, tearing my eyes from Nate’s as I move to go and open the door.

He catches me by the arm. “Ignore him.”

I glance up and swallow hard. “He’s my brother,” I whisper before I pull my arm free and take a deep breath to compose myself before I let Tony inside. Nate disappears into the bathroom.


“He thinks you don’t like him,” Delaney says as Tony leaves our cabin and she leans against the door. He just spent the last hour in here complaining about his wife and kids while letting us know that his cabin is much bigger than ours and comes equipped with a slide for the kids to get down from the second level. Personally, I don’t give a shit how big anyone’s cabin is. The man is insufferable.

“That’s because I don’t,” I say, pulling my hair off the back of my neck and winding an elastic about it as I walk into the closet. We have to be at dinner in about twenty minutes, and neither of us is ready.

“You could pretend,” she says, following me. “Isn’t that part of this?”

“I was pretending,” I return, reaching for my dress shirt and sliding it over the white T-shirt I put on after taking a quick shower to calm down after my run-in with Delaney. I was so close to kissing her—properly—which is something I promised myself I wouldn’t do unless she’s willing to drop this farce. “It just so happens that Liam dislikes him too.”

“How convenient,” she says, and I’m surprised to hear a smile in her voice. I turn around to find her stepping into a new deep-blue dress, her silky black underwear on display along with her abundant curves. My dick goes hard, and I have to look away before that fleshlight becomes the only thing that’ll save me.

Grabbing my pants from the hanger, I quickly drop my sweats and pull them on, adjust myself to look less out of control as I do the fly up. “Any boyfriend who gives a shit about his girl would show disdain for the way Tony treats you. That jab he made at Thanksgiving about betting that your boyfriend was imaginary was enough to rub me the wrong way.”