“My sister wants to take control and sell.”

“That’s what her visit was about?”

I nod. “We’ve been running on fumes for months. I have until breakfast to come up with some money making scheme that will save us all.”

“So that’s what tonight was about?”

“It’s what the lastyearhas been about. But yes, tonight was the deadline.”

“I wish you’d just told me, maybe I could have helped more.”

My hand moves to her neck then curves around the back of her head. “You did help. Having you always here for me, willing to come to me whenever I called. It was everything I needed.”

“I didn’t think you saw me like that.”

“From the first moment I saw you like that. But I couldn’t risk losing this place. In hindsight, I should have taken you right away. We could have been doing that for months already, and we’d still be in the position we’re in now with the company.”

She pulls at her lip with her teeth. “I wish you did too. There were times I really hated you for your barking.”

“It was sexual frustration and stress.”

She giggles and it’s music to my ears. “Well, you’re lucky I also get off on your bossiness, or I wouldn’t have made it this long. And you’re also lucky that Christmas is my favorite holiday?”

“I’m lucky, am I?”

“Yes. Because you gave me a wonderful gift tonight. You gave me happiness, and at the risk of sounding crazy, you also made me feel very loved.”

“Sugar, it’s you who gave me the gift. The least I can do is be crazy along with you.”

“Really?” A smile curves her sexy mouth.

“Yeah. I love you, sugar.”

“I love you too…sir.” Pulling her close, I bring my lips to hers and kiss her with all the passion I have in me. For a man who’s losing his livelihood, I’m surprisingly upbeat. But that’s what love does. It makes everything feel right. Emma Rose feels right to me.

“Let’s go home,” I say, sliding my arm around her shoulder and pointing her in the direction of my apartment building. I intend to take her up to my penthouse floor and lock us both inside to selfishly feast on her body. Our families can have us for Christmas next year. This year, it’s all about us.

“Romance,” Emma blurts after we’ve taken two steps. “And kids.”

“Definitely, sugar. I will romance every bone in your body and give you as many kids as you want.”

She laughs. “No. I mean, yes, I want you to do all of that. But I know how you can help the company. It’s with romance and kids books. Maverick Publishing has its entire focus on literary fiction but you’re missing two massive markets that are primarily driven by women’s purchasing habits. Women love romance and they love encouraging their kids to read. I say, open a romance division that focuses on ebooks before print so you can keep up with the speed of the independent market without risking money on print runs. And launch a children’s line. Make sure you’re supplying the market with what they want and you can’t go wrong.”

“Romance and kids books?”

She nods. “It’s smart business.”

I place my hands on either side of her face and stare deep into her eyes. “You are an amazing woman, Emma. Of course. What we’re doing doesn’t work. We need to change it all. I’ve just been too caught up in my own stubborn head to see it.”

“You like my idea?”

“I love it. It’s exactly what we need. How’d you learn so much about publishing?”

“Well, I do work in it. And…I kind of have a secret desire to be a romance writer.”

“You do?”

She nods, her gaze wary.