"You like it?" Bella asks, her eyes dancing expectantly.

"Are you kidding?" I quickly scoop another spoonful, and then another. "This shit is now my favorite thing about Christmas!"Besides you, of course. I hold myself back, but I meet her eyes as the thought passes. I glance over at her plate and find it almost halfway cleaned up. "I can tell why you insisted I try this."

"Damn straight," she says before taking another spoonful, closing her eyes and making noises of complete bliss that make my dick go uncomfortably hard. "Mmm. It's like my tongue is having an orgasm.” I almost choke. “No one else makes pudding like Snow Angel."

My grip tightens around my spoon as I watch her eat. I want to be the one to make those sounds come out of her. I want to pleasure her with my fingers and my tongue, drive myself inside her again and again, until she screams my name so loud I end up on the Naughty List. Maybe I could even coat her in this custard and eat her right through it.Yum.

“You’re not eating?” She pauses and indicates my bowl, snapping me out of my lusty haze and bringing me back to earth. I clear my throat.

“I am. Just…savoring things,” I say, taking another mouthful and noticing my spoon is a little bent now.Whoops.

“I wish I was good at savoring things. But I’m too impatient. I want it all, and I want it now. I’m a terrible glutton.”

"I don’t know about that. You know what you want, and you aren’t afraid to go for it. More people should be like you.”

She grins as she licks her spoon clean with her pink bubblegum tongue. “You think?”Ten guesses for what I’m imagining her licking while I watch—you’ll only need one.

“How long are you in town for?" I ask, needing to steer the conversation toward safer territory before my dick bursts through my pants.

"I head back to New York the morning of New Year's Eve." Her eyes meet mine as she places her spoon back inside her cleaned out bowl.

"So I’ve only got you for a week?" I try not to show my disappointment and quell the growl that attempts to rise from my being by taking a sip of my coffee.

“It’s all the time I could get off work.”

“I see. So you’re not rushing back to kiss a boyfriend when the clock strikes twelve?" The comment earns a snort from her. "What?"

She blushes from her reaction. "Me? A boyfriend?" She shakes her head and then looks at me straight-on. "Nope. I'm obscenely single."

"Obscenely single?" I chuckle, although I'm silently cheering on the inside. "What the heck does that even mean?"

She turns her gaze away from mine and sighs. “It means I’ve never had a boyfriend. I actually don’t think a member of the opposite sex—or either sex, for that matter—has ever been interested in what I have to offer.”Holy fuck. Does that mean…that she’s untouched?I could tell she was innocent, but not so innocent she’s never even been touched. What are the odds that my dream girl is also a…a virgin? Kept pure just for me. If I wasn’t champing at the bit to claim her before, I certainly am now.Bella Fleming belongs to me.

“I’m interested,” I blurt, and her eyes fly to mine.


“You think I go around telling just anyone to fix my leaky pipe?” I grin, and suddenly she’s flushed with color and laughing.So beautiful. My darling, Bella. What could an innocent like you ever want with a raggedy mess like me?

“Well, I don’t go around sharing my favorite desserts with just anyone either.” She gives me a meaningful smirk, and I’m a literal goner, wanting nothing more than I drag her back to my place and spend the remainder of her time in Christmas with her in my bed, naked and beneath me, showing her exactly how beautiful and sexy she really is. Even though I know it’s just a pipe dream.

She’s leaving in a week.

The realization hits me like a solid wall, and as we finish our fruity desserts, my mind falls back into the internal battle I've been fighting since the moment I laid eyes on this goddess sitting across from me. A big part of me wishes I could claim her right here, right now. And keep her as my own for the rest of my days. But an even bigger part of me knows it’s a terrible idea. Sure, I’m uncontrollably attracted to her. But to what end? I’m an ex-soldier with a messed up head, and she’s a pure angel with her entire life ahead of her. We can’t work.

As I drink the last of my coffee, I check the clock on the wall and clear my throat, knowing this has to end here. "It's getting late. I should take you home."


“Yes. Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”

The disappointment on her face kills me. But that’s nothing compared to how I’ll feel if I keep pursuing this crazy idea then have to let her go. No. It’s better to say goodbye now before I’m in so deep I can’t get back out. It’s the only noble thing to do.Maybe I’ll end up on Santa’s nice list after all…


Imust be reading too much into things. Either that or I'm going absolutely insane. Every time we make eye contact, I feel fireworks explode in my chest. My insides turn to mush, and all I want is for him to hold my hand again. But when I brushed my fingers to his as we left the diner, he was quick to pull away and tuck his hands in his pockets out of sight.What happened to him being interested?

It wasn’t just in my head; I know it wasn’t. We had that flirty back and forth going on during the tree lighting ceremonyandat the diner. And heheld my handon top of the table. That means something in boy-meets-girl terms, right? He’s been giving me sexy-time signs all night! But then it’s like, one moment, everything I’ve ever read in romance novels is coming to life. Then the next moment I'm hit by a fucking ice wall with pockets.