“Here, here!” Dad says, lifting his glass as we all join in in chorus, thanking Aunty Joan for everything she’s done in bringing us together, and keeping us together.

She is truly the heart of our family. Even when it felt like everything was falling apart only twenty-four hours ago, a few understanding words from her had us all pulling back together. Tony apologized for snooping in our cabin—not that it stopped both Nate and I giving him an earful, mind you—and Mom even apologized for setting me up with less than desirable men, then Dad apologized for not stepping in sooner. While a simple apology doesn’t magically fix things, it did mean a lot to me to have that consideration given. It means we’re on the right path, and eventually, I hope all the pressure and the jealousy can be put behind us. Maybe this can be a new beginning for us all.

“Do you think we can talk?” Tony asks toward the end of the meal. I nod and follow him outside to stand on the balcony so we can talk in private. Nate makes it quite clear that if I need him, all I have to do is signal and he’ll be beside me in a flash. “I need to apologize for what an asshole I was yesterday.”

“Wow,” I say, resting my forearms on the railing as I look out to the choppy sea. “Can’t say I ever expected that. You never apologize.”

“Christmas miracles and all that, right?” he says with a smirk as he slides his hands in his pockets and squints out at the horizon. “And the fact that my own children told me what a horrible person I was. They said I acted like the Grinch trying to destroy Christmas for everyone. Kind of made me stop and think, and realize that I was indeed an asshole for outing you like that. I should have just asked you straight up when I found the notepad lying on the floor in your room.”

“That might have been a start,” I say, as I pull my hair over my shoulder to stop it blowing about in the breeze. “I’ll always love you, Tony. You’re my big brother. But I admit that a lot of the time, I don’t understand you. It hurt me a lot, what you did yesterday. And in the spirit of Christmas, I can definitely forgive you for it. But it’ll probably take me a while to trust you as a big brother again.”

He nods slowly. “I deserve that. But thank you. I appreciate you always being the bigger person.”

“I hope that wasn’t a joke about my size,” I tease, leveling him with my gaze as I offer him a smile too.

With a chuckle, he shakes his head. “Never, Del. You’re perfect just the way you are. I think that’s something we all should have been saying to you all along.”

A lump forms in my throat as I nod then hold out my arms. “I think we need to hug this one out.”

Grinning, he slides his arms around me and holds me tight. “I really am sorry, Del. I promise to be a better brother from here on out. And an awesome uncle too. We’re all gonna be on your back about popping out babies now that you’ve landed the guy.” He gestures toward my engagement ring as we end the embrace.

Laughing, I wipe the mistiness out of my eyes. “I’d expect nothing less.”

“Everything OK?” Nate asks when we return, and I take my seat beside him again.

“Everything’s absolutely perfect,” I say, leaning in close and tilting my head up to view his gorgeous face. “This has turned out to be the most wonderful Christmas ever.”

“It has, hasn’t it?” he says, pressing his lips to mine and making me feel even more deliriously happy than I already was.

If there’s one thing that came from Tony outing Nate and me the way he did, it’s that I finally feelseenby everyone at this dinner table. All I ever wanted was the freedom to be myself and choose my own path. And I have, with Nate. We came together under messy circumstances and fell completely and hopelessly in love.

While I should probably feel bad about inventing Liam in the first place, I think I’m always going to be glad I did. Because without that fib, I never would have found my one, my heart, my true Christmas miracle. From here on out, I know that I’ll be living the life I’ve always wanted, without regrets, without pressure, without fear. Because Nate is mine, and it’s not just for the holidays, but for always.



Five years later…

"Are we sure about this?" I say as I clip the baby seat into the car. Our youngest, Suki, is fast asleep, her rosebud lips moving like she's drinking and her little fists balled up at her sides. She's like a tiny little doll, and my heart melts just looking at her.

"Of course!" Delaney says as she opens the opposite door and helps our three-year-old, Callum, into his booster seat. "She will love it. I promise you."

"If you say so."

Delaney smirks. "Are you doubting me, Nathaniel Charmers?"

“Never,” I atone.

"Remember those hand care products you thought were too girly for men? Those have turned out to be some of our best sellers."

“For the record, I said theysmelledgirly. Not that men wouldn’t like them.”

“Whatever makes you sleep better at night, buddy,” she teases as she finishes getting Callum clipped in then shuts the car door.

I straighten up and look at her over the top of our car. "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

With both kids clipped in safely for the journey, she rests her forearms on the roof, grinning a cheesy grin. “Never. I love it when I’m right. Like how teaching drama at community college has been super rewarding for you.”