“I can’t wait.”

“Come on, sugar.” I take her hand and guide her out of the bathroom, deciding I’ll clean the mess up later. “I have a Christmas gift for you as well.”


After the incident in the bathroom, andaftera littlenecking session in the hall where Jacksonthoroughlythanked me for the panties—who knew men loved used panties so much—Jackson and I make our way back to the living room. He gestures for me to sit, and Isink into one of his deep, plush couches, feeling the softleather around me. I let out a happysigh.

Jackson doesn’t sit down beside me.

“I have that cocoa sitting on the stove still. It should be cool enough to drink by now. Give me a minuteand I’ll be right back with our mugs. Marshmallows?”

“Yes, please.” He grins, then leans down and presses a kiss against my forehead.

“Won’t be long.”

As he walks away, I take the opportunity to check out his fabulous butt. I’m not exactly sure how much older than me he is, but he has definitely taken care of himself. I imagine there are a lot of squats in that man’s day. He’s big, buff, and beautiful. And he’s all mine. I hum to myself, feeling almost giddy with happiness.

“Here we are.” My heart dances in my chest when Jackson reappears. He’s holding two steaming cups and something square wrapped inbrownpapertucked under his arm. “Present time.” He places the mugs of cocoa on the coffee table then sits next to me, draping an arm across the back of the couch as he tucks one leg under him. “This is for you.” He grins and places the package in mylap. I belatedly notice theblue ribbon around it.

“Is it underwear?” I ask, already having an inkling over what might be wrapped inside based on the shape and the weight of it.

He chuckles. “No. But it’s something just as intimate.”

A warm, squishy feeling overcomes me as I lift the present and touch my finger to the bow. “Is it a book?” I look up at him, my eyes watering with joy.

“Open it and find out.”

“Oh, Jackson.” I breathe as Itug at the ribbon to release it. I carefully peel away the tape andunwrap the gift. Itisa book,The Atonement, by Ian McEwan. “I love it.” I run my hand over the worn cover of the book before noticing many pages have been earmarked. I flip it open and thumb through the well-read pages, seeing many little notes madenext to the text. “Is this your writing inside?”

“It is. This once belonged to Eva, my brother,Matthew’s, wife. A few years ago, they were having their house remodeled, and I offered to let them stay here.When they went back home, Eva left this book behind. She was so enraptured while she read it, that I was curious and ended up reading it myself. I never thought I’d enjoy a love story so much, but I loved it,” he explains, toying with a strand of my hair.

“Looks like you’ve read it many times.”

“I have. Itleft an impact, Sophia, one I never expected. It is such a deep book, andit pulled me through an emotional rollercoaster, I admit. And it’s my favorite booknow. I’ve read itso many times, the spine is almost worn through. Anyway, it’s yours now. And I hope you love it even half as much as I do.”He grins down at me.

“Oh, I’m sure I will. This is such a special gift,” I say, turning it over and scanning the blurb. “But I have to ask, will it break my heart?”

“Possibly.” He presses his lips together.“But I see it as a life lesson that reminds us to grab onto the important things with both hands, make the most of every moment. Because you never know what’s coming next.” His eyes take on a wistful quality as he tucks my hair behind my ear.

“That’s very poignant.”

“And if you read it here, I’ll be right next to you tohelp you pick up the pieces.”

Oh, my. I’ve hit the soulmate jackpot.

Carefully placing the book on the coffee table next to the cocoa, I turn to Jackson and put a knee to the couch between us before I launch myselfat him, my arms wrapping around him and my mouth finding his. My lips swallow his surprised laughas he curls his arms around me, leaning back against the couch to support my weight as I slide onto his lap.

“In case you didn’t notice, Iloveyour gift. Thank you, Jackson,” I murmur against his lips, tracing mytongue along the seam the way he did to me, then gently nipping at his full lower lip.

“Hmm, I’ll have to give you gifts more often if this is the response I get.” Jackson emitsa low growl deep in his throat that I feel deep insideme,and before I know it, he has me on my back on the couch, holding himself over me, as he kisses melong, deep, and hot.

I feel his kiss everywhere, and feeling emboldened, I bring my handsup between us, and slide them across his absunder his shirt. He moans into our kiss, and the feel of his taut muscles rippling under my palms has mepressing myself into him.I tug at his shirt and he pauses, leans back, and whips it over his head, tossing it over the couch.

“Jackson,” I breathe, taking in his ripped chest, his wide golden shoulders and tight pecs smattered with dark hair. “You’re so beautiful.”

“So are you, sugar.”

“Can I?” I bring my hands up to touch him, but hesitate.