No, he knew they did. He just…hadn’t wanted to have to deal with their worry for him on top of his own grief, and clearly Bill had been worried for him.
I hoped you’d find happiness again…
Yeah, and that made him a touch uncomfortable because Bill clearly thought he and Beth were in love, which wasn’t the case at all. This was a marriage of necessity rather than feeling, and he wasn’t happy with lying about it.
Are you really lying? Doesn’t she make you happy?
Yeah, no, he wasn’t going there. Just as he wasn’t going to go around explaining the exact nature of his and Beth’s relationship.
Easier to give people the facts and let them draw their own conclusions, even if they were the wrong ones.
Beth’s gaze became sharp, clearly not believing his “it’s fine” take on it, but he didn’t want to get into a deep and meaningful discussion with her right here on the street, so he pushed the door of the gallery open and, still holding her hand, strode in.
Izzy was at the counter, with Chase on the opposite side, while Indigo sat on top of it with her project bag held protectively on her lap, a disapproving look on her face. Levi had leaned a provocative elbow on the counter right next to Indigo and was obviously in the middle of pissing her off.
The four of them all looked up at as the door opened.
“Beth!” Izzy exclaimed. “We were wondering where…” She trailed off, her gaze dropping to where Beth’s hand was safely enclosed in Finn’s.
Chase noticed too and Finn didn’t miss the grin that spread across his face.
Indigo’s eyebrows shot up, her mouth opening.
“Hey,” Levi said. “You two are holding hands. Don’t know whether you’ve noticed that or not. Just thought I’d point it out.”
“Yeah.” Finn met four pairs of eyes squarely in turn. “I’d noticed. And before anyone says anything, Beth and I have an announcement.” He glanced at her. “Do you want to go first?”
She was obviously nervous, so he squeezed her hand again, letting her know she wasn’t doing this alone, that he was with her.
She smiled gratefully, making a warm feeling unfurl inside his chest, then she turned to the others. “Okay, so, I’m pregnant. And, uh…Finn asked me to marry him.”
“Oh my God!” Indigo squealed, her project bag slipping from her fingers and onto the floor. “Seriously?”
Levi, who was clearly far too close to the squeal, put a finger in his ear and wiggled it. Then his handsome face broke into a smile and he shoved himself away from the counter, striding over to where Finn stood and clapping him on the back. “Mate, that’s great news! And so totally unexpected.”
Finn realized that he’d been subconsciously bracing himself, ready to square up to anyone who might criticize his decision, and in fact he hadn’t expected anyone to simply be pleased for him. A tension he hadn’t known was there, prickling through his muscles, eased and he found himself grinning back at his friend. “Thanks. And don’t tell me you knew already.”
“You really thought I wouldn’t see the way you looked at Beth?” Levi’s hazel eyes took on a wicked glint. “Good catch there, mate. Stole her away before I could get to her.”
Beth laughed. “Like you could.”
The look on Levi’s face became suddenly smoldering. “That’s because you haven’t seen me bring out the big guns yet.”
Indigo had jumped off the counter and was now sidling past Levi to get to Beth. “Shutupabout your big gun,” she muttered. “I bet it’s not even that big.”
“Baby, don’t tempt me,” Levi purred.
Luckily Indigo didn’t seem to have heard, too busy throwing her arms around Beth’s neck and giving her a hug.
Meanwhile Chase had approached, doing a good job of pretending to be totally surprised by the news when of course he wasn’t. “Good to hear, little brother.” He gave Finn a clap on the back too. “Always hoped I’d be an uncle.”
Izzy had rushed to join Indigo in hugging Beth to death, the pair of them obviously thrilled, which pleased Finn to no end. Not that he’d thought they wouldn’t be supportive; it was just nice to know they were actively pleased for her too, since he didn’t like the thought of Beth having no one at all.
“So that was morning sickness?” Indigo was asking her. “That day when you were ill on the couch and Levi was being a dick?”
“Hey,” Levi said, sounding injured. “I wasnotbeing a dick. I was being a gentleman and giving a lady a ride home.”
“So,” Chase said expansively, squeezing Finn’s shoulder, “I think this calls for a celebration at the Rose tonight. What do you think?”