Beth frowned. “Chase already knows what?”
“He knows that we slept together. And he knows you’re pregnant.”
An unexpected stab of anger caught her. She’d been very clear she hadn’t wanted people to know and Finn had agreed.
“How?” she demanded. “Did you tell him?”
“Yes.” Finn was unflinching. “I did.”
“Because he made a comment about my good mood after we slept together and wondered if it was because I’d gotten laid.”
Oh great. Men.
“So, what? You just decided to tell him? After we agreed to keep it secret?”
They’d come into town by this stage, Finn pulling into the gravel parking area in front of HQ and stopping the truck.
Then he turned his full attention on her. “Chase isn’t a gossip. I told him not to say a word, and he wouldn’t—didn’t. I thought it wasn’t going to go anywhere then, and he already knew I was attracted to you because he’s my brother and he knows me too well.”
Beth bit her lip. “And the pregnancy?”
“Again, he’s my brother. And he has a kid himself. I needed his advice.”
As quickly as it had come, her anger dissipated.
She couldn’t be mad at him. Chase would certainly pick up on Finn’s moods, because while Chase might be a bit of an ass, he was also a perceptive ass unfortunately. And she couldn’t fault Finn for wanting his brother’s advice either, especially after finding out he was going to be a father.
Hell, it was a moot point now; everyone was going to find out anyway.
She sighed. “Well, okay then. I guess that’s all allowed.”
Finn stared at her a moment longer, the fierce light in his eyes burning. Then he reached out, and before she could move, his fingers were in her hair and he was bringing her in close and his mouth was on hers.
She gave another little sigh, this one of pleasure as his lips moved on hers, warm and very, very welcome.
It was a deep, slow kiss, and she didn’t even realize that there had been a purpose to it until he let her go and she realized that Bill was sitting outside his shop, Mystery the mystery dog sitting near but not too near him, and had seen them.
“Uh, as announcements go,” she murmured, “that’s quite something.”
Finn smiled, making her breath catch, because truly, when he smiled, the whole world really did light up.
“Come on,” he said. “Let’s go turn this town upside down.”
Finn got out of the truck and went around to Beth’s side, opening the door for her and handing her out. Then he curled his fingers around hers, settling her hand in his.
It was a declaration—just as he’d seen Bill sitting there and decided that the kiss should be a declaration. He wanted everyone to know that she was his, and what better way to do so than to kiss her in front of the town’s biggest gossip?
She was blushing adorably now, which made her look even prettier, even though she was still in yesterday’s sundress—not that he was complainingat allsince that sundress looked bloody great on her.
He definitely wasn’t complaining about the kiss mark on the side of her neck either, the one that he’d put there yesterday.
His mark, which satisfied him a great deal. Turned out hewaskind of a caveman about certain things.
“Bill?” Beth murmured as they walked toward the general store and the gallery. “Really? He’s the first one to know?”