“Thank you, Finn,” she said, conscious of how husky her voice was. “Honestly, that’s amazing of you.”

“I did promise you I’d help.”

“You certainly came through.”

Something glinted in his eyes and one corner of his mouth curved slightly, making it feel as if all the air in the gallery had been suddenly sucked away.

All she could think about was how that gorgeous mouth of his had felt on hers and how hot his skin had been. How hard his long, lean body was and how good he’d felt as he’d moved…

Her thoughts scattered like a flock of birds as the knowing gleam in Finn’s dark eyes met hers, and she became aware that not only was Finn looking at her, but Izzy was too. And that Finn had said something she hadn’t taken in.

“I’m sorry?” Her voice also sounded suspiciously throaty, worse luck. “What did you say?”

His gaze was unreadable. “I said, apologies that I wasn’t able to get anything from Evan before the gallery actually opened. He likes playing hard to get.”

A blush was rising in her cheeks whether she wanted it to or not, and she hoped like hell Izzy couldn’t see it. Or Finn, for that matter.

“It’s okay,” she said hurriedly. “Tomorrow is the big day and it’s great we’ve got something before the doors open then.”

“True,” Izzy murmured. “Thanks for that, Finn. We really appreciate it.”

“No worries,” he said easily.

Okay, smile and then let him walk away.

Yes, she absolutely should. There wasn’t any point prolonging this conversation, not with Izzy standing there looking at them both with interest. And why would she do that, anyway?

She and Finn weren’t in a relationship, nor did they have any plans to begin one. All they had was a couple of hours of great sex. That’s it.

And it had beentrulygreat sex. An eye-opener, that was for sure. She didn’t need it again though. Or at least, not with him. She could find it with some other guy, when she was ready for a relationship or maybe just for a little fun.

Finn was a friend. That was it.

In which case, a good friend would definitely offer him a glass of champagne.

Before she could think better of it, Beth grabbed one of the full glasses on the counter and pushed it in his direction. “A drink? In return for all your hard work?”

Finn glanced at the drink, then at her, his mouth curling. “You’re always plying me with alcohol.”

That tantalizing suggestion of a smile and the gleam in his dark eyes… The combination made her heartbeat, already quick, get even quicker.

“Always?” She grinned, her cheeks hot. “Come on, it was once. And you didn’t seem to mind.”

“No.” There was a note in his voice that made her breath catch. “No, I did not. And it really wasn’t once, either.”

He wasn’t talking about the alcohol now, and she could feel the knowledge of what had happened that night pulse in the space between them, alive with hunger.

He hadn’t forgotten.

Look away. Izzy is right there.

Beth tore her gaze from his, reaching for a glass for herself and fussing with it to cover the moment.

Finn shifted against the counter and she thought he might leave, but he didn’t. His gaze flicked around the room instead, as though he was looking for someone. “Where’s Indigo?” he asked, as if that tense moment hadn’t happened.

“She went outside with Levi,” Izzy said levelly.

Beth resisted the urge to glance at her to see whether she’d noticed the tension between her and Finn. That would only give herself away even more.