Beth lifted her hands and slid her fingers into the thick, black silk of his hair, leaning into his heat and opening her mouth beneath his, encouraging him to take more.

Yet he didn’t move. And gradually she became aware of his tension, every muscle in his body rigid, a subtle vibration running through him, as if he was holding himself tightly in check.

Her chest constricted.

He’d kissed her, but…did he not want this? Or perhaps the kiss wasn’t as good for him as it was for her. Perhaps now they’d taken that first step, he’d changed his mind.

She took her hands from his hair and tried to draw away, wanting to ask him if there was anything wrong, but as she did so, the hand on her jaw tightened, his hold firming.

And suddenly he pushed his tongue into her mouth, taking control in a way that turned her knees to water. She put her hands on his chest to steady herself, and then, as though whatever check on himself he’d released, he was kissing her deeply, hungrily, as if he’d been waiting for this kiss his entire life.

She was caught against the hot, iron wall of his chest, crushed against it, her mouth invaded, and for a second she couldn’t think and couldn’t breathe.

Then the same hunger that was driving him rushed up inside her, a raw flood of need she couldn’t control.

She slid her hands around his neck, coming up on her toes and kissing back, meeting him kiss for kiss, glorying in the heady flavor of his mouth, dark chocolate and whisky and some other sweet, delicious thing she couldn’t name.

It made her dizzy and feverish, made her desperate to get closer to him, because just being pressed against him wasn’t enough.

He kissed her harder, exploring her as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Bending her backward, taking things even deeper, even hotter.

She trembled, holding on to him urgently, and then with a suddenness that stole what little breath she had left, he picked her up in his arms, took two strides to the couch against the wall, then put her onto it before following her down, pinning her there with his body.

Beth gasped as he settled on her; the hard, muscular length of him pressing against her was the most perfect feeling. Automatically, she spread her thighs on either side of his hips to welcome him, and he settled more firmly, the brush of his erection against the most sensitive part of her making her moan.

“Finn,” she gasped against his mouth, wriggling against his body, not to get away but to get closer. “Oh…please.”

He didn’t reply, only kissed her as if somehow this kiss was the only thing that stood between him and certain death.

She felt his hands tug on her dress and heard the sound of fabric ripping, but she didn’t care what he was tearing. She wanted there to be nothing between them. She wanted to feel his bare skin on hers, and his lips and his hands. She wanted him as close to her as she could get.

His mouth moved from hers, trailing over her jaw and down her throat in a series of hot kisses and nips that set every nerve ending she had alight.

Dimly in the back of her mind, a warning echoed about how wrong this could go, but she didn’t want to listen to it so she didn’t.

This felt too good and it had been too long since she’d felt something this real. Something that wasn’t the forced brightness and optimism she had to work at every day. Something that was pure physical sensation, pure pleasure, her mind for once silenced beneath the crush of desire.

He nudged aside the strap of her dress, and since she wasn’t wearing a bra, his hands soon found her bare skin, stroking her breasts. Then his mouth closed around one nipple and she groaned as sensation arced the length of her body, a lightning strike of feeling that made her arch and writhe beneath him.

She wanted to touch him too though, so she pulled at his T-shirt, finding the hem and slipping her fingers beneath it, sliding over the smooth skin she found there. He was so hot, like touching the iron wall of a stove, making her realize how cold she’d been and how much she wanted to get closer to his heat.

He muttered a curse as she touched him, and then his hands were on her thighs, caressing her before sliding between to the hot, wet center of her.

She groaned as he stroked her through the fabric of her panties, small electric shocks of pleasure that made her quake.

“Beth.” Her name was a raw whisper against her breast. “Beth…honey…I want you.”

She knew what he was asking and she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.

“Yes,” she panted. “Yes, Finn. Please…please.”


Every one of Finn’s thought processes had vanished. Every single one.

He was buried by need, choked by desire. Only a ghost of his conscious mind was left, enough to make sure she was with him in this, and then, hearing the heat in the wordplease, even that vanished too.

Then there was nothing but soft, slick skin, warm curves, and silken hair. Her breathing, fast and desperate, and the husky murmur of her voice as she pleaded with him. The scent of apricots and a delicate musk that made his mouth water.