It felt good to have him close, to have his mouth on hers and to taste him again. Sosogood. A relief, in fact. She put her palms flat to his chest and leaned into him, kissing him back as hungrily as he was kissing her, wanting his strength and his reassurance, wanting his hands on her giving her the pleasure she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about for an entire month now.

He made a growling sound in his throat, propelling her over to the long, low leather couch that stood near the windows, then taking her down onto it.

His weight settled on her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, arching up to press herself more firmly against his hot, iron-hard body.

He kissed her deeper, hotter, and she welcomed him, the rich taste of his mouth and the earthy, musky, masculine scent of him making her dizzy with desire.

She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, desperate to feel the warmth of his skin. He helped, finally pulling it over the top of his head and off, and oh, he was glorious without his shirt. His torso was lean, every muscle cut, his skin smooth and tanned.

Beautiful. He was beautiful.

He didn’t give her enough time to admire him though. His hands dropped to the hem of her sundress, pulling it up, and luckily it was stretchy so it didn’t take much for her to wriggle out of it. He dealt with her underwear in seconds flat before getting rid of his clothes as well, and then she was being pressed back on the warm leather of the couch, both of them naked.

They were skin to skin, the heat being generated between them igniting into a bonfire of desire.

She couldn’t think of anything but him, the feel of his body on hers, anchoring her, sheltering her, and the hot stroke of his tongue in her mouth. She kissed him back desperately, shivering with delight as he ran a hand down her body as if he couldn’t wait to touch her, skimming over the curve of one breast, down her side, to her hip and thigh.

She spread her fingers out on his powerful shoulders, feeling the taut flex of his muscles, signs of his incredible strength. He made another of those delicious, demanding, masculine noises and shifted between her thighs, positioning himself.

“Tell me you want me, Beth,” he growled in her ear. “I want to hear it.”

“Yes, I want you,” she gasped, ready to tell him whatever he needed to hear. “I want you so much, Finn.”

“And where do you want me?”

“You know where.”

“Tell me.” Very gently he bit her earlobe. “Tell me specifically.”

Oh God. Why was that so incredibly hot?

She swallowed. “I want you inside me. Now.”

He didn’t ask again, and he didn’t hesitate, pushing into her in a long, luxurious slide that had her moaning into his mouth. He felt so good inside her, so unbelievably good that she was shaking with the pleasure of it.

He went still then, his whole body tense, and she slid her hands down his back, stroking him, her hips lifting, encouraging him to move because she thought she might die if he didn’t.

“Please,” she whispered against his mouth. “Please…”

He began to move slowly, in a rhythm that left her panting and twisting, her nails digging into his back. His mouth moved too, trailing over her jaw and down her throat to the hollow where her pulse beat fast beneath the little silver koru nestled there. He kissed her, sucking gently, sending electric jolts of pleasure throughout her entire body.

She shuddered, his name a prayer on her lips, and she closed her eyes, sparks glittering and shimmering behind her closed lids. Everything had fallen away, all her fear of the future and what it might hold, all her worry she wouldn’t be as strong as she thought she was, that she wouldn’t be as brave—that she wouldn’t be able to cope with what was coming and would fall into the pit again.

Yet now all of that was gone, crushed beneath the most glorious pleasure, a rush of delight and excitement and hope she hadn’t felt in far too long. Not since the last time he’d held her in his arms.

Beth flung herself into it and surrendered, offering herself up to him, letting him take whatever he wanted and losing herself in pleasure.

He moved faster, harder, the sound of their combined breathing loud in her ears, and then he slipped a hand down between her thighs, stroking her so that suddenly everything broke apart in a shower of light and sparks, and she was trembling as ecstasy swamped her.

His movements became jerky, and he gasped her name in a hoarse, desperate voice before the pleasure came for him too and he buried his face in her neck, his breathing ragged and hot against her skin.

For long moments there was nothing but silence, not that Beth could speak even if she’d wanted to. She felt almost stunned by the speed and intensity of what had happened between them.

One minute she’d been talking to him about Sunny; the next she was on her back on the couch and he was inside her. Not that she was unhappy about it at all. Not when his body on hers felt good, a warm, heavy weight that wasn’t crushing, only deeply reassuring.

She let her hands roam up and down the strong lines of his powerful back, stroking the oiled silk of his skin, admiring the tanned smoothness of it in the light coming through the windows. He didn’t move and he didn’t say anything, but his muscles relaxed under her touch, and it seemed to be something he enjoyed, so she kept doing it.

After what felt like a very long time, he finally lifted his head to look down at her, his gaze full of an expression she didn’t understand.