God save her from stubborn, overly involved men too.

Then again, she couldn’t deny she was looking forward to seeing Finn tonight, no matter how overly involved he was being. She was curious about his place, and being in his presence was…reassuring.

Not that she needed reassuring, of course, and not that there were any other feelings involved. And definitely nothing to do with the chemistry still sizzling between them. She wasn’t getting involved with him, and this living-arrangement thing was just that: a living arrangement. She was only willing to entertain it as long as he wasn’t going to be a pain in the butt to live with.

“Yes, Mom, I’m getting enough sleep,” she said to Izzy, who was still staring at her with concerned, dark eyes. “Stop fussing.”

Izzy pulled a face. “I’m not.”

“You kind of are.” Indigo turned her work around and prepared to knit back along her row. “But don’t get me wrong, I approve of fussing.”

“Well, I don’t,” Beth said firmly. “You’ve done your shift, Izzy, so run along, there’s a good girl.”

“Hey, far be it from me to be a kind, considerate friend looking out for you.” Izzy reached over the counter to grab her purse. “Oh, by the way, do you want to meet at the Rose tonight for dinner? Gus did well with her latest report card and Chase wants to do a little something special for her.”

“I’d love to,” Indigo said before Beth could speak, “but Beth has a date.”

Beth had told her friend that she wouldn’t be home for dinner that night, and while she’d debated giving her a tiny white lie about who she was going out to dinner with, in the end she’d gone with honesty since everyone was going to find out about her and Finn at some point anyway.

However, she’d absolutely told Indigo it wasnota date.

“It’s not a date,” she insisted, giving Indigo an annoyed look. “I told you that already. It’s just a friendly dinner.”

Indigo knitted on calmly. “A friendly dinner date.”

“I’m sorry, did you say something?Indy?”

Indigo stopped knitting and scowled. “Stop that.”

“Hey,” Izzy said, frowning. “What’s all this about a date? And with who?”

“Finn,” Indigo said and smirked.

Oh boy. Indigo was on fire today.

Beth leaned her elbows on the counter. “What’s got your goat? Did Levi give you another ride home that you apparently didn’t want?”

Indigo opened her mouth to reply when Izzy, clearly losing patience, said, “Can at least one of you please stop sniping at the other long enough to fill me in?”

“I’m going to Finn’s for dinner tonight,” Beth said before Indigo could stick her oar in yet again. “He asked me over and I said yes.”

“Oh.” Izzy’s tone was determinedly, suspiciously neutral. “How nice.”

“We’re just friends,” Beth felt compelled to point out. “It’s a friends dinner.”

Izzy held up her hands. “Hey, I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to,” Beth muttered, not in the mood to be teased. “I can hear your skepticism from here.”

Indigo lowered her knitting and reached out to pat Beth’s hand apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be snarky.”

Beth wasn’t in the mood to be placated either and gave Indigo a narrow look.

“Seriously.” Indigo patted her again. “I’m grumpy today.”

Her irritation eased, followed by a rush of love for her two friends. She really did appreciate them and the support they gave each other, and she hated lying to them.

“It’s okay.” She gave Indigo’s hand a squeeze back. “I’m grumpy today too.”