Acquaintances who were going to have a baby together.

Come on, you’re supposed to be upbeat and positive, remember?

Yes, she was. And thinking about the direction of her relationship with Finn and worrying about having him around was counterproductive.

The bottom line was if she didn’t want to fall for him, she wouldn’t. Hell, having him around could be a good thing. She could get him to do the tasks she hated, like putting out the trash and putting away the dishes. And itwouldbe nice when she was feeling sick to have someone to make her soup and wrap her up in a blanket.

“Yes,” she said. Then more firmly, “Yes. Wearefriends.”

“Then we’ll tell everyone the truth. We had one night together and now you’re pregnant.”

“Okay, so…friends having a baby and, uh…remaining friends, I guess?”

Finn’s gaze narrowed, and for the first time she got the distinct impression that this was something hewasn’tentirely accepting about.

“That’s right though, isn’t it?” she said when he didn’t say anything. “We’re friends. Definitelynotin a relationship.”

He was silent a few moments more, then said, “We’ll discuss what we tell them later, once we know what’s happening with the living arrangements.”

Yeah, he wasnothappy with the thought of being friends; she got that loud and clear. But seriously, what else did he want? Neither of them were up for a relationship, and there was no way she was going to marry him or anything purely for the baby’s sake. That was like something out of the nineteenth century.

She contemplated pushing him on it, but then decided not to since she didn’t particularly want to talk about it now either.

Finn had a few things he wanted to do in town, so he suggested she stay put at Levi’s and take it easy, but she felt too restless. So she looked around the jewelry shops, chatting with the designers while he went off on whatever mysterious errands he was running.

They met up again a couple of hours later and Levi picked them up, running them back out to the airport and the helicopter, muttering something about how expensive gas was and how the heli wasn’t an Uber they could order whenever they wanted a ride anywhere.

Beth was tense that Levi might start asking annoying questions about what they were doing in Queenstown together, but he didn’t. He seemed a tad distracted himself.

Back in Brightwater Valley, after disembarking the helicopter, Finn walked with her back to where she’d parked Clint’s old truck outside of HQ.

“We should get our living arrangements sorted out ASAP,” Finn said. “So why don’t you come to dinner at my place tomorrow night? I can show you around the house and you can see what you think.”

Surprised, Beth stopped beside the truck and glanced up at him. “I can look around the house without you having to cook for me.”

Finn’s dark eyes gave nothing away. “Sure, but we’re friends, right? Friends can invite each other over for a meal.”

There was an odd fluttering feeling inside her, though she wasn’t sure what it was.

Dinner sounded…nice.

“Just a friendly dinner, then,” she said, only just stopping herself from making it a question.

He raised a brow. “What other kind of dinner would it be?”

“There is dinner, Finn. And there isdinner. A date kind of dinner.”

His expression, as per usual, was completely enigmatic. “It’s not a date kind of dinner.”

The feeling inside her fluttered again and she tried to tell herself it wasn’t disappointment. Of course it wasn’t a date kind of dinner. Why would she think that it was? She didn’t want it to be one anyway.

They weren’t dating. They’d had one night of sex to deal with their chemistry, and it had been dealt with. Sure, his nearness still made her heart race, but that would fade in time.

Then he’d become just an ordinary friend.

A friend you’re having a child with.

Yes. Exactly.