Finn didn’t particularly care what was up with her and Levi, but there was probably only one way he was going to stop thinking and worrying about Beth and that was to ask Indigo if she was okay.

“You deal with Levi.” Finn strode past his brother. “I’ve got something I need to ask Indigo.”

Chase muttered something, but Finn ignored him.

Indigo was scowling in Levi’s direction, her expression clearing as she noticed Finn coming toward her. “Hey, Finn,” she said, a shy smile appearing.

“Hey.” He stopped in front of her. “Just wanted to check in on Beth.”

Indigo frowned in obvious puzzlement. “Oh? Why? Is something wrong?”

Right, so Beth hadn’t told Indigo she hadn’t been feeling well. Interesting. Why was that?

Briefly, Finn debated whether to tell Indigo that Beth had fainted in front of him earlier that morning, then decided against it. There must have been a reason Beth hadn’t wanted her to know, in which case she wouldn’t appreciate Finn running his mouth about it.

“No,” he said smoothly, covering his lapse. “I only wanted to make sure everything was okay in your neck of the woods.”

Indigo blinked. “You mean with the farmhouse?”

“Yeah, of course the farmhouse.”

“Oh, everything’s fine. We’re good.”

“Great. You know where Beth is?”

“She went home at lunchtime.” Indigo’s attention drifted back to where Levi and the woman stood, now joined by Chase, the three of them plus the other tourists, all of them staring at the kea who was doing a little dance on the roof of the bus. “Said she had a migraine.”

First a stomach bug, now a migraine. What was going on?

Seemed like if he wanted to know, he was going to have to go talk to her himself.

Why? You slept with her once and she can damn well look after herself. And it’s not as if you don’t have a lot on your plate already.

That was true, he did. The past three weeks had been extraordinarily busy, what with managing his commitments at Pure Adventure NZ, then overseeing Toby and his boys at the stables, not to mention still trying to find a permanent stable manager. So he hadn’t had a lot of time to think about anything else, which was quite frankly a blessing.

“Anything else” being Beth and the couple of hours he’d stolen with her up in HQ that wasstillhaunting him even a month later.

So really, did he have to go and check on her? He had a horse trek booked the next day, and even though it was only a day trip, he had to do some organization and an equipment check for it. Then he’d promised to have dinner with Chase, Izzy, and Gus.

Then again, the equipment he needed to check was at Clint’s and if he was going up there anyway…

“Why do you need to see her?”

Still going over things in his head, it took Finn a second or two to realize that Indigo wasn’t looking at Levi anymore, but at him, and her expression was far too speculative for his liking.

“Was going to ask her the same question I just asked you,” he said easily. “Unless you know of anything that she needs?”

Indigo’s mouth curved in what could only be termed a smirk. “I could think of a few things.”

Her tone was suggestive, which made him wonder what Beth had told her and Izzy. Then again, maybe it was nothing, merely some friendly teasing between friends.

“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow, wondering idly what she’d say. “What things?”

She flushed. “Uh…don’t worry, it’s nothing.”

“Good.” He turned toward HQ, where his truck was parked. “If you think of anything important, let me know.”

He gave Karl, who had given up trying to get Mystery to play with him and was now fawning all over Levi, a whistle, then strode to his vehicle. And once the dog had leapt into the back, he started the engine and drove up to Clint’s to find out just what the hell was going on.