“I’m tired. And as you can see, I’m okay.” He turned back to the stairs, since he wasn’t going to have a bloody argument with her at the front door, and continued up them.

With any luck, she’d take his foul temper into account and leave.

The stairs opened directly onto a small living area that housed a couch, multiple bookshelves full of books and other knickknacks, a coffee table, and a wood burner. This was for the use of Pure Adventure NZ staff and it served as a break room/planning area and, before Izzy came on the scene, a place for Gus to hang out after school since if Chase was working, he couldn’t take her home immediately.

There was also a kitchen off the living area and a bathroom down a short hallway, along with a small single bedroom.

Finn stalked into the middle of the living area, then came to a stop, his back to the stairs. He could smell a faint, sweet scent. Peaches or apricots…

Apparently she hadn’t gotten the hint and left.

Ahead of him were windows that looked into the green fields and the beech forest that covered the hills of the valley, currently bathed in the glow of the summer sunset.

But he wasn’t taking in the view. Every sense he had was concentrated behind him, on the woman who’d followed him up the stairs.

Sure enough, Beth said quietly, “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a pain. I just… Have I done something to make you angry? Because if I have, I’d really like to know what it is so I can stop doing it.”

Finn shut his eyes.

He couldn’t let her blame herself—he couldn’t. He’d promised Clint he’d handle himself and that he wouldn’t let anyone get hurt. Yet here he was, snapping at her when she hadn’t even done anything wrong.

It wasn’t fair of him to take his issues out on her. Especially when his issue was his stupid dick.

You need to tell her, be honest with her.

Finn took a breath and opened his eyes, stared sightlessly at the window and the view beyond.

“You haven’t done anything,” he said into the silence. “The problem is me.”

“Okay.” She sounded puzzled. “So…what is it? Is there anything I can do?”

Finn turned around.

She stood at the top of the stairs, her arms folded across her breasts, a crease between her brows, staring at him as if he was a mystery she wanted to get to the bottom of.

“No,” he said flatly. “There’s nothing you can do.”

“Are you sure?”


“Because you know if I’m doing something that you—”


She blinked at the sound of her name. “What?”

“The problem isn’t what you’re doing. The problem is you.”

Shock rippled over her face. “Me? But I thought you said—”

“That it was me? Yeah, it is. The problem is me wanting you.”

Chapter 4

Beth stared in shock at Finn’s tall, broad figure.

He…wanted her?