She frowned. “I…guess we can.”

“Good.” He turned around and started heading toward the Pure Adventure NZ HQ, since that was the closest building he could legitimately disappear into. “We can chat in a couple of days,” he added casually over his shoulder.

Beth didn’t respond, and he resisted the urge to look back.

Hopefully she’d have gotten the hint and would go back to the party.

The door that led to the top floor of HQ, which was a self-contained apartment/office area, was around the side of the building, so Finn walked toward it with no clue what he was going to do when he got there. He only wanted to put some distance between him and Beth.

Then he heard a footstep on the gravel behind him.

“No, actually,” Beth said, “I don’t want to chat in a couple of days.”


Tension gripped him, his muscles tightening.

He didn’t want to turn around and look at her, so he reached for the door handle instead. The door wasn’t locked—they only locked it during the day, when there were tourists around, since no one who actually lived in Brightwater would steal anything from it. Not that there was anything in there to steal anyway.

“Yeah, well, I don’t want to chat now.” He tried to keep the growl out of the words as he pulled the door open, but he didn’t think he’d been successful.

“Why not?” Beth’s voice was husky and very close behind him now. “It won’t take that long. You either help me or you don’t.”

Well, if that’s all she wanted, then that was easy enough to give her. Anything to get her away from him.

“Fine, I’ll help you.” He stepped through the doorway. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Then he began to pull the door closed behind him.

Only to encounter some resistance.

Oh, for God’s sake.

Left with no choice, he swung around.

Beth stood in the doorway, holding on to the door and preventing it from closing. She was still bathed in sunset colors, and what was even worse was being able to see the shadow of her body through that little white dress and it was a glorious sight. Lots of delicious, rounded curves that he knew would feel warm and soft beneath his hand.

God, it had been so long since he’d touched a woman. So long since a woman had touched him…

How long are you going to remain on that particular cross?

Finn shoved the thought away. Whatever, he was tired of keeping his temper in check and he was tired of her following him, especially when he’d made it very clear he wanted to be alone.

He scowled. “What part of ‘I’ll talk to him tomorrow’ don’t you understand?”

Surprise flashed across her face, as if she hadn’t been expecting him to be quite so grumpy. Well, too bad. She was the one who’d pushed herself on him, not the other way around, which meant she could suck up his reaction.

“I do understand.” She eyed him. “But you got up and left without a word and I—”

“Because I wanted to be alone. I did not want to have someone following me around demanding I explain myself to them.”

“I’m not—”

“Is that all?”

She blinked. “Well, I…I mean…are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You…well, you walked off.”