He laid a finger across her mouth to silence her, because it hadn’t been her that had been the problem. ‘Kissing me is exactly what you should have done.’ He removed the finger. ‘I’m only sorry that it was so quick. I had intended our first time to be...different.’

The crease between her brows deepened. ‘You said you haven’t...been with anyone since your wife died...?’

Instantly he tensed. He didn’t want to talk about this, not now, but he owed her an explanation for why he’d been so rough. Especially when she hadn’t deserved it.

‘No,’ he said.

Rose hesitated a moment, then asked, ‘I know it’s none of my business, but...how long? You said years.’

‘Yes, it has been years.’ He knew he’d sounded sharp, but he hoped she’d got the message that he wasn’t up for a conversation about this now. Perhaps one day he’d tell her about Naya, but not now. Not today.

‘Oh,’ she said softly, her big golden eyes searching his face, looking for what he didn’t know, but he could see she had more questions. ‘Ares,’ she went on. ‘How were you burned?’

He didn’t want to answer that one either, not given how linked that subject was with Naya.

‘I only ask,’ she continued quickly, ‘because I wasn’t sure if it was okay to touch them or whether they hurt you or...’

It’s a valid question. She should know if you want her to stay married to you.

No, she shouldn’t. And he wasn’t even sure he wanted her to stay married to him himself. Regardless, knowing wasn’t necessary for the getting of heirs. She didn’t need to know about his wife or the circumstances that lead to her death. About his pride and the hard lessons he’d had to learn.

About your failure.

Yes, that too.

Her past was shrouded in mystery, they didn’t and couldn’t talk about hers, so why should he have to reveal his? That wasn’t her fault admittedly, but still.

‘You can touch the burns,’ he said shortly. ‘They don’t hurt. Some places have no sensation because the nerve endings have burned away, so I might not feel it if you touch me there.’

She was silent a moment, clearly waiting for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.

A flicker of emotion passed over her face. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.’

‘Rose,’ he began.

But then she touched the side of his face again, where the scar tissue was thick and twisted. He couldn’t feel her fingertips, but he knew they were there, and something shuddered in his chest. ‘Thank you for showing me about...desire,’ she said. ‘But I wonder...could we possibly explore the subject more?’

He was glad that was the subject she wanted to pursue and not anything else. More sex might be a mistake, but he was getting hungrier by the moment, conscious of how soft and warm her body was, and the scent of sweet feminine arousal heavy in the air around him.

Yes, he had missed sex and he wanted it. What was the point in holding back now?

‘We could,’ he said, shifting once again, going back onto his knees. His hands dropped to the hem of her jumper. ‘But understand, Rose. If you want this, if you want me, you cannot go back.’ He stared down into her eyes, so she could see the intention in his. ‘You are the only woman I have wanted since my wife died, and if you cross this line with me now, I will want more.’

For a second, she only stared back. ‘Why me?’ she asked suddenly. ‘What’s so special about me? I’m just a girl you bought from your father-in-law. A girl who doesn’t even know her real name. Why should I be the only woman you’ve wanted?’

He’d only alluded to the truth the last time she’d asked. But she deserved more than that from him now.

‘Because regardless of who you really are, regardless of your past, we have chemistry. And because, little maid, even though you grew up in a terrible place, you are fearless. A warrior through and through.’ His fingers tightened in the soft wool. ‘Or am I wrong?’

The gold of her eyes glowed bright and he had the sense he’d just given her something she liked. A gift that she’d needed. He liked that, but it also made him want to ask her why being fearless, why being a warrior, was so important to her.

Except then she lifted her arms up in wordless invitation and all the thoughts vanished from his head.

Ares jerked her jumper up and over her head, then tore her bra off. She made no move to stop him or cover herself, her gaze never leaving his face, a fierce expression on hers.

No, he wasn’t wrong. Shewasa warrior.

He shifted so he could take the rest of her clothes off, so she was finally lying on the silken rug in front of the fire the way he’d fantasised about: naked. And she didn’t move as he leaned over her, bracing himself with one hand beside her head so he could pull out the tie of her ponytail and spread her golden hair out all around her.