Page 100 of At Her Call

“Who took her?” he demanded.


As he gathered details, Skye was able to do so as well, because Tiger was still using the transcription feature on his phone to clarify what he received through the hearing aids. She stood at his side, her hand on his tense arm. While she couldn’t hear Colt clearly, she picked up his mood in what syllables she did catch, and in how fast and garbled the words came up on the screen.

Aubrey was supposed to be picked up at a friend’s evening pizza-and-movie birthday party, but when the Fallen Angels prospect had arrived to do that, she was nowhere to be found. The party had been in the backyard, which was flanked by a wooded area. With twenty-five kids running around, no one had seen when she disappeared. Since the woods were just a patch of trees, a common area in a subdivision, and the backyard had been lit up for a bouncy house and the movie screen, no one had anticipated the risk.

“What can I do?” Tiger asked.

“Come with me. Help me find her, and get these fuckers.”

Tiger’s expression tightened. “You know where they’re holed up? You think they took her there?”

It went without saying that what Colt was proposing was off the grid, no police involvement. The harsh look on Tiger’s face said he knew exactly what Colt was asking of him.

No matter that he’d left that life behind, she knew he’d go, for Aubrey. In the space of a few minutes, he’d donned the mantle of the Fallen Angels brother who would cross any line to get his niece back safely.

Skye pulled up the app on her phone, her heart in her throat.Please, please, please…

The two dots were not together. They were an alarming distance apart, one inside New Orleans and one well on the outskirts. But they were there, which she hoped was good. She thrust the phone screen at him, and his gaze locked on the Find app, particularly the Friend name at the top of the screen.


“Hold on, Colt.” Tiger gripped Skye’s wrist to hold the screen still, his gaze fierce enough to bore into it.

She gestured to her wrist, a reinforcement of the label over one of the dots.Bracelet.

A hundred thoughts moved through his eyes, but he only spoke the one that mattered right now. “This one,Charm, that’s the one for her backpack?”

At her nod, Tiger put his phone on speaker. “Colt, did they find her backpack?”

“It was still at the friend’s house.”

“What was the address?”

As Colt told him, Skye verified that it was the location of the tracker inside the city limits.

“Okay. It looks like my Mistress put a tracker on your kid in that bracelet and charm I sent.”

“What the fuck? You—”

“Was she wearing the bracelet?” Tiger snapped.

“She doesn’t take the damn thing off. She’s named all the animals on it.” Colt’s voice roughened.

“Okay. Soon as I can figure out where we’re headed, I’ll call you back.” Tiger disconnected. Skye was zooming in on the more remote dot. Her heart moved to her throat, but she showed it to him. He looked at it, looked at her. The hand overlapping hers on the phone clenched to bruising.

“That’s fucking bayou. Swampland. Jesus Christ…”

His face spoke the words as if he’d said them. The perfect place to dispose of a body. Skye took his phone and typed so she didn’t have to switch from the tracking screen on her own. “We head that way. Stop at my place and get one of my drones to help us search.” Though the ball of nerves in her stomach already knew the answer, she asked. “Can we call the police?”

“I’m pretty sure the crew that took her did this as an intimidation ploy against the Fallen Angels. Trying to get them to back off of the drug trade. If they’re laying a trap for Colt and his boys and they hear sirens…” His jaw tightened. “You know where she is, and have the tools to get us there. The police can’t do what we can do. Kill these bastards if they’ve hurt her, and leave them in the goddamn swamp.”

She had police officer friends who could call resources to the area quicker than she and Tiger could get there, but he was right. If they were already in the swamp…the chances of anyone, biker or cop, reaching them before they did what they intended to do to Aubrey, were slim.

But they had another option. She typed it as Tiger read the screen.
