Page 27 of At Her Call

He broke a rule, hands moving to her hips to hold her, but the respect of the touch honored her command, conveying consciousness of intent.

Yet the burning in his gaze gave her something far less planned. During the painting, Tiger had entered a subspace of sorts, immersed in the experience. He was fully present now, but the aftermath washed over them, so that when he spoke, she agreed with the five words he uttered.

“Words can’t cover it, Mistress.”

Because emotions flourished in silence.

She eased back to move behind him. Put a hand on his back, a hint of what was coming, before she raised the sprayer’s pressure setting. Not to the highest one, but enough to have his back flexing at the sting, and then his body jerking as she parted his buttocks and let the spray tease the sensitive rim in short passes, circular patterns. He struggled to stay still, and when his lips were parted and fists clenched from the effort, his breath was a string of those harsh gasps. He was showing an impressive ability to control himself for her, even while obviously holding to the edge with bloody fingernails.

She shut the water off. He'd earned that kiss. And a lot more. But she was in a mood to draw that payoff way out. Let him prove to himself how much further he’d go for her.

She dropped a folded towel on the concrete and tugged at his arm, a signal to go to his knees. Once there, she guided him forward, onto his hands and knees. Pressing her toes against the back of his thigh, she commanded him to spread his knees, out to the edge of the cushion the towel provided. A touch to his chin brought his head up, eyes straight ahead. She stood beforehim, stroking his hair, well aware his mouth was inches from her pussy, close enough to have him salivating.

He didn’t get that yet. When she moved, trailing her hand along his back, she enjoyed the tension in his buttocks, noting the access his spread legs gave her to his impressive testicles. The slight quiver in his thighs stilled as she retrieved the hose. Turning it up to full power, she tested it on her thigh. The results gave her a satisfying sting of anticipation.

She started between his shoulders and moved over his neck, down his back and sides, watching the jets hammer the rippling muscle. Then she moved over his hips, his taut ass, finally targeting the base of his testicles.

He jerked under the spray’s sting, but his fingers dug into the concrete, holding. When a sub accepted the discomfort, the pain, the right things became even more arousing. Watching him work toward that goal, because he knew it would bring her pleasure, took her for the same ride.

She angled the spray to pummel his rim between his buttocks. As she did, she gripped his wet testicles in her other hand, exerting pressure to make him lift his gorgeous ass higher. He groaned at the increase in sensation, his cock so hard and tight it hung heavy under his abdomen. The spiral cock ring glittered with water droplets.

Silence wasn’t a cage. It was a new universe to explore, and he wasn’t alone there. Enjoying a sub she could take deeper into that knowledge than most incited a surge of raw pleasure she hadn’t experienced before.

A Mistress could find Domspace, especially when a connection with a submissive brought moments every bit as satisfying as a physical orgasm, a transcendent state where everything seemed possible.

“Mistress.” He was shuddering, his face working. He was almost past the point of control. When she’d released histesticles and turned the spray on them, she’d put a hand on the small of his back. She’d kept her touch on him whenever she was out of his line of sight, a reminder she was there.

After his utterance, she tapped it out against his shoulder. A five-count beat. One Mississippi, two Mississippi. Sometimes she’d let him know how high she was going to count by mouthing the number in his view. This time she didn’t. She heard him strangle out a half chuckle, a desperate groan.

When she stopped at twelve, he was rigid with the effort to keep from coming. She set the sprayer aside and bade him stand before her. As his body quivered with barely leashed need, she checked his cock ornamentation to ensure he wasn’t having any issues there. As he watched her with feverish eyes, she proceeded to dry him off. His erect cock brushed her upper thigh. When she had to move closer to reach his shoulders, she pushed his shaft down and straddled the head, trapping it between her thighs and the crotch of her swimsuit.

The ribbed feel of those rings against her clit was intriguing. Whereas the feel of her in her wet swimsuit against him evoked a near growl. A man wanting to throw her down, plow himself between her legs, but restraining that primal instinct under her command…it was a potent nectar to a Mistress. To her.

“I thought Cyn was the sadist,” he muttered.

He’d risked breaking the order for silence. While he’d accurately gauged her mood and sense of humor, she still gave him an admonishing look, a reminder finger to her lips, though she tempered it with a wink.

Setting the towels aside, she crooked a finger at him to lead him inside. She had him stand in the kitchen as she retrieved the mat she’d discovered in the bedroom closet. She unrolled it on the kitchen floor and took the salsa sampler from the pantry. Gesturing to the mat, she indicated she wanted him on his back.

When he complied, she dropped to one knee, cupped his elbow and biceps of one arm, following those contours as she stretched the limb out to the side, palm facing upward.

Because of how his eyes burned upon her, she knew his imprisoned cock would welcome her touch and attention, even if it was only to dig those rings further into his flesh with her grip. She suspected she could compel him to come through that pain with nothing more than a command to do so. When he was broken open this thoroughly, the depth of his need to serve was limitless.

Steadying herself after that heady thought, she straightened. After she circled him, doing a leisurely perusal of his long, powerful body from all angles while she stood over him, she used one foot to nudge the inside of his right thigh, a command to spread himself wider for her. His cock twitched as he obeyed, and she let her gaze dwell there. Some gold paint flecks remained on the head, occasionally catching the light like sparks.

Kneeling by his side again, she picked up one of the salsas, a green tomatillo, and tipped the jar over his palm. She put a quarter-sized amount there, then, setting the container aside, she stretched out horizontally over his face. Bracing her palms on either side of the hand holding the salsa, she dipped down and tasted. Using her tongue, she spread the sauce out to his fingers, sucked his forefinger into her mouth, did it to the other digits as well.

Her thigh was pressing against his jaw, her breasts in the thin, wet bikini top against his forearm. She could feel his breath against her, knew he would be looking at everything he could see but not actively touch. A sidelong glance showed his stiff cock against his belly, wetting that narrow arrow of hair down toward his groin.

She shifted, straddling his chest, and dipped her fingers into another sauce, a red one, tasting it before she gave him the same opportunity, painting it on his lips, letting him nip at her fingertips as he sampled it. His gaze flickered and she raised a brow, giving him permission to offer a reaction.

“Not too spicy,” he said roughly. “But the flavor’s good. A lot of tomato. Glad you’re not Cyn. She would have wanted the hot stuff, and put it in places I don’t want to think about.”

Her lips curved. Figging had always been a hard limit for him.“A flamethrower shot up my ass isn’t in my fantasy playlist, thanks.”

She moved to sample another salsa choice on his upper thigh, so close to his cock her temple brushed it. He muttered an oath as she closed her mouth over his shaft, used that pressure and her saliva to ease the cock ring off, one ring at a time bumping over the sensitive head.

As she sat back on her heels and set the toy aside, she gazed at his organ with pleasure. Not only did it remain just as erect; without the spirals to contain it, it thickened.