She didn’t have to go. Had she agreed just so he would leave her alone?

But she wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to.


Mark walked backinside the building and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness so he didn’t trip on the way to the stage. He listened to the sounds coming from the orchestra and had to admit Emily was right. He did have to concentrate to enjoy the music and somehow it was refreshing... in a strange way.

How had she done that?

He gave an apologetic smile to Maestro as he walked back onto the stage and took his seat, studying the page for a moment before finding his place.

The rewrites were disconcerting and he didn’t like it, but as the piece progressed, he began to hear what Emily heard.

But he still couldn’t close his eyes and enjoy playing.

At the same time, the challenge was starting to be enjoyable and he smiled. Maybe this wasn’t so bad...

Once his ego allowed him to admit as much.

A cold chill ran through his body. He’d always sworn he’d never turn into one of those prima-donna types.

He had.

Dammit, he’d lost his place and Maestro was arching a brow at him.

He took a deep breath and found his place again. He couldn’t lose himself in the music like he normally did, but he was beginning to enjoy himself.


At break, he stood and waited for Maestro to finish talking to the principal cellist as the others left the stage to get some fresh air or to smoke.

“You okay?” Sandra asked as she stood and stretched.

He smiled. “Yeah.”

She narrowed her eyes, but they were twinkling with mischief. “You look happy. What happened?”

He chuckled. “I think I got a little perspective.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Care to share?”

“In a bit.” First, he owed Maestro an apology. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.” He glanced at the side of the stage. Was Emily still out there listening? Would another orchestra member catch her attention?

He took a step toward the exit but stopped himself. No. He needed to speak with Maestro first.

He tapped his strings with his left fingers as he waited, the echo of the Tchaikovsky whispering in his ear. Finally, Maestro Novak nodded and turned away from the cellist. His eyebrows raised high when he and Mark made eye contact. “Mark? Is everything all right?”

Maestro Novak was not that much older than him. Ten years or so. He was Maestro and Mark was not. Maestro Pavolini had helped choose him. Perhaps the older man hadn’t been completely wrong. “I wanted to apologize for storming out.” He grimaced. “Again.”

Maestro’s pale-blue eyes lit with curiosity. “Oh?”

Mark sighed and waved his bow in the air. “It’s... I’m not used to your ideas and honestly? I hated them.”

“Hated?” Maestro smiled. “You don’t anymore?”

Mark frowned but softened when he thought of Emily. He shrugged. “I got some perspective, and I can kind of understand what you’re trying to do now.”

Maestro’s amused smile turned into a full grin. “I am so glad to hear that, Mark. I want you to be on board.” He waved his hands toward the empty chairs. “Then they will come along.” He stepped closer. “I cannot do this without you.” He clapped his hand on Mark’s shoulder. “I am very glad,” he repeated.