Emily arched her back as he caressed her bare breast. “More than anything in the world.” She gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. She squeezed her thighs together and moaned.

“I will ignite the fire inside of you, Emma.” He moved to the other breast. “Let me do it.”

She moaned as he sucked and caressed. She struggled to differentiate between the present and the past as unfamiliar feelings and sensations coursed through her body. She wiggled under his ministrations. He slid the silky material of her chemise up, exposing her belly, and kissed down to her navel. She moaned as he circled his tongue in the indention while caressing her breast.

He stretched out on top of her, kissing each breast until she writhed beneath him. She sighed as he sucked on her nipple, clawing at his arms beneath his dress shirt.

He slid her pajama pants lower, caressing the skin of her hips with his thumb. His hand made its way beneath the elastic and under her panties. She parted her legs, letting out a soft cry as he nipped at her breast with his teeth. His fingers slid lower and between her swelling pussy lips and she arched her back and gasped.

“Have you ever touched yourself here?” He slid his finger over her clit and she jumped.

“A-a few t-times.”

“Did you like it?”

She gave a small shrug, feeling her face warm. “I guess.”

He chuckled. “If you don’t know then you didn’t do it right.” Her eyes closed as warmth spread through her body. “Did it feel like this?”


She squirmed as he circled the sensitive nub several times before lowering his hand and sliding a finger inside. She gasped at the twinge and he moaned. “You and Kevin have never been together?”

His finger inside her body consumed every conscious thought. When he pulled away, she groaned and opened her eyes.

He grinned, white teeth a stark contrast to his tanned skin. “I am going to make you feel something you’ve never felt before.” He slid his body down hers and pushed her pants down to her ankles.

“Rafael... Please... Don’t...”

“Please don’t what?”

“I shouldn’t... You shouldn’t...” He started circling her clit again and her breath hitched. “I don’t want to...”

“Emma, I am not going to have sex with you,” he said with a gentle chuckle. “Your virginity is safe.” He kissed her hip. “I want you to experience something that will help your concerto when we practice tomorrow. It is a passionate piece, yes?”

She nodded.

“Let me help you feel passion tonight, and tomorrow you can bring it into your playing. I promise, you will feel and hear the difference.”

Emily closed her eyes, remembering how she had stared at the ceiling, thinking about how much older he was than her. He was close to her father’s age. She spoke her next lines robotically. “It seems wrong, for you to touch me like this.”

“I am merely helping you find your self-expression, Emma. Your father made me promise to help you unlock your potential. That is why he sent us here.”

“Did he know you were going to—”

“He trusts me to do the right thing with your talent.”

She remembered briefly imagining the fury on her father’s face if he found out what Rafael had done to her. Rafael’s fingers did magical things to her body, though, and right now she didn’t care if it was real or not. If it had made her a better musician or not. She just wanted more. More of what, she hadn’t known at the time, but she’d wanted it.

He slid her pants off and spread her legs.

She opened her mouth to protest, but he leaned down and slid his tongue between her lower lips and she gasped in surprise at the intense feelings. He did it again and she wiggled her hips. When he sucked on her clit, her eyes drooped and she moaned, letting the past wash away the present. “Rafael... you shouldn’t...”

He didn’t answer and she didn’t push him away.

Music1began to play in her mind. Her concerto. Oh, it sounded so much more real in her head with his tongue on the most intimate place of her body. Everything he’d been harping on her for the last months suddenly made sense. In her mind, her fingers flew across the strings, bringing flourishes in she hadn’t thought about before. It made the music more...

Just... more.