He pressed forward. “You’re not saying no...” He smiled, pressing in more.

She moaned as he slowly, oh-so-slowly invaded her body. A welcome invasion. Warmth spread through her body and she sighed.

Her eyes closed and she flexed her hips against his, bringing him even deeper inside her. He chuckled and she opened her eyes. “What?”

“I was wondering what you looked like when you’re aroused.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can see it in your eyes. That and your cheeks are flushed.” He pressed deeper and a moan escaped her lips. “You’re not turned on easily, but when it happens, it happens fast, huh?”

“I guess.”

He smiled and kissed her. “You feel amazing.” He hadn’t moved and she wiggled her hips against him. Skin on skin. His body inside of hers. Nothing between them.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

“Hmm...” He backed away, leaving her feeling empty. He slid his fingers against her sex and she closed her eyes.

Something warm touched her pussy and she gasped as it slid against her clit. She jumped and opened her eyes. She could only see David’s hair and eyes, which were closed.

“Oh, God...”

He slid a finger inside her as he teased her clit with his tongue, sliding in and out, alternating sucking and flicking. Oh, his tongue was magical.

“I want to hear you come, Emily,” he whispered, and sucked hard on her clit, using his tongue at the same time.

“I don’t know if...” She arched her back as the pressure built in her lower belly. She gasped and clenched the sheets as her world exploded. She cried out and bucked against him.

When her body relaxed, he crawled up her once more, sliding into her and eliciting a soft moan. “You feel even more amazing now.” He rested his forearms on either side of her shoulders.

She gave him a lazy grin. “Why’d you do that?”

“Why’d I make you come?”

She nodded.

“I wanted you to enjoy yourself.” He thrust hard and she gasped as his hips pressed against her swollen clit. “Think you can do it again?” He pulled out and thrust back in, making her gasp and flex her hips.

“I don’t know.”

“I can be patient.” He grinned. “I think.”

She smiled and moved her hips against him. “Why do you care?”

“Well, to be perfectly honest, my orgasms are harder if you’re coming at the same time. Something about how a woman moves when she comes.” He smiled. “Blows my mind.” He rolled to his back, bringing her with him. “Try this way. It’s easier sometimes.”

She rocked back and forth, feeling him deep inside her. She closed her eyes and panted as the pressure begin to build again.

“Like that?” He reached for her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers.

“Uh-huh,” she said, concentrating on that amazing, tiny little spot deep inside.

He groaned and flexed his hips. “Yeah, like that.”

“Uh-huh.” Her rocking movements grew more deliberate. He moved his hands to her hips, pressing her hard against him. “Oh! Oh, God!” she cried and pressed harder against him as her orgasm hit hard and deep in her pelvis.

He pushed up against her and she leaned back, grasping his hands at her hips and letting her head fall back as the waves of pleasure washed over her. The waves were deeper this time, and longer, as he throbbed inside her.