Page 142 of For the Love of Music

“I want to introduce you to an extraordinary musician, whom I first heard play when she was sixteen years old. She captured my attention that day at her Juilliard audition and honestly, never let go of it.” He and the audience chuckled. “She had so much potential, so much love of music in her heart, but walked away from it for many years after life... Well, you know how life gets.” He wouldn’t share Emma’s life with these strangers, but they needed to understand part of her story to appreciate how far she’d come. “Several months ago, I caught her attention in the subway station with the Mendelssohn, and after a lot of begging, she finally agreed to let me buy her some tea. We got to know each other, and ultimately, fell in love.” He paused and looked back into the wings, his heart soaring in his chest.

Emma smiled shyly and dropped her gaze to the floor.

“She is one of the most talented, hardworking violinists I’ve ever met. You’ve not heard her play before, but after tonight, I hope you’ll fall in love with her—or at least her playing—as much as I have. Please welcome Emma Dawson to the stage.” He held his hand out and after a deep breath, Emma walked out onto the stage wearing a beautiful black gown and took his hand as the audience applauded. She gave a small curtsy as she stared out wide-eyed at the audience, a nervous smile on her face, clutching the violin at her chest.

“We will be performing four of Henryk Wieniawski’sEtude-Caprices for Two Violins, and as you will see, Emma can more than keep up with me, though she’s only been playing again for about six months.” She’d flat out refused to play a solo concerto with the orchestra and after much debate, had agreed upon this set of short duets she had learned when she was younger.Stubborn woman I can’t help but love more each day.

He kissed her on the cheek and gave her a warm smile. “Ready?” he asked, away from the microphone.

“Does it matter?” She bit her lip.

“You’re going to do great.”

The first violin part was harder than the second, and they’d decided for the first two etudes, Mark would play the first violin part. Though she’d proven herself more than capable, Emma had insisted she needed the time to get comfortable on stage and Mark had reluctantly agreed. He wanted the pieces to show off her talent, not his own. But, the last movements were the ones the audience remembered, though he didn’t say anything to Emma about it.

She closed her eyes and nodded. He began the unaccompanied piece1after she opened her eyes and smiled at him. The minor key of the beginning reminded him of how scared she’d been when they’d first met. When they’d first seen each other. The tension, the unknown... he let it all soar into his music as the memories of their first moments together played like a movie in his mind.

By the time the furious fourth etude started, she had relaxed. Her bow and fingers moved so fast, he could barely see them. Occasionally they made eye contact, but mostly, her eyes were closed and she was lost in her music.

The pieces lasted about ten minutes, and Mark could feel the audience captivated by their music.

As they drew their bows across the strings for the last notes, Emma opened her eyes and he grinned at her.

Slowly the audience awakened and leaped to their feet with applause. Mark pulled her in for a kiss and then they both bowed to the audience. Emma’s cheeks were bright pink and her eyes shone with happiness.

“You were amazing!” he whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek again.

“I flubbed that same—”

He put her finger on her lips. “No one noticed. I didn’t even notice. You were wonderful. Concentrate on that, not your mistakes.”

She beamed up at him.

Maestro Novak walked over and kissed her cheek and Mark held back a grimace. Emma had confessed to Geoffrey making her sleep with Novak and he forgot about it most of the time. He wasn’t going to think about it now. This was the beginning of Emma’s new life, her playing premiere and nothing would ruin it. He wouldn’t let it.

Novak shook Mark’s hand and grinned at him. “Ready?”

Mark’s stomach lurched. How had he managed to forget about his after-concerto plans? Novak’s eyes twinkled with the secret Mark had shared with him. He nodded and led Emma over to the second first-violin chair. Sandra had moved over to the first chair after Emma had insisted on not taking Mark’s place during the upcoming concerto.

Mark took his place next to the podium and nodded to Novak, who counted off the beat2.

Knowing Emma was right behind him, playing in the orchestra, made his heart soar. He only wished he could turn around and gaze into her eyes as he played. But that wasn’t an option. He could only concentrate on the notes and trust she was feeling his love for her like she had in Los Angeles.

As they moved into the second movement, he sank into his memories, replaying in his mind making love to Emma. The look of wonder in her eyes as she was held for the first time. Cherished for the first time. Loved, for the first time. Touching her, loving her, had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced and, in that moment, desire for any woman except her vanished. He wanted to spend the rest of his life making her laugh, healing her heart with music, loving her completely. Nothing mattered to him more than Emma and her healed soul.

The third movement lightened his heart as Emma’s smile and laughter filled his mind. He’d reintroduced her to life and she’d embraced it, slowly at first. As her confidence grew, and her heart and body healed, there was nothing in the world more beautiful than the love of his life. They’d played this together at home—for the fun of it, he assured her—and the memory of her curls bouncing as she moved with the music, her brown eyes sparkling... The third movementwasEmma, happy and healed.

He forgot everything except the music as he concentrated on the last measures of the final movement, his sweat-drenched hair bouncing on his forehead.

As the audience leaped to their feet again, he grinned and bowed, satisfied with his last performance of the season and looking forward to the next one. He’d found a home at last. Home was Washington, DC, and in Emma’s love.

He bowed again and glanced at Maestro, who nodded.

Mark turned and walked to Emma, whose eyes widened as he approached. He handed Sandra his violin and placed the bow carefully on the stand. “Come with me. Leave your violin.”

She glanced at Sandra, who shrugged. She took his hand and followed him to the front of the stage, leaving her violin on the chair.

He sucked in a deep breath and grabbed the microphone. “Thank you, everyone. I hope you enjoyed the first season of Maestro Novak’s leadership and will return next year.” He paused to let the audience applaud. “As Maestro mentioned, I will be returning next year, as will Emma.” Emma looked at the ground, embarrassed. She had auditioned and earned her spot in the second violin section. A few members were retiring after many years of membership.