Page 138 of For the Love of Music

Haltingly, she told the officers her story, beginning with Rafael taking her to the cabin when she was fourteen.

* * *

Mark pacedthe hallway as David watched. “She’ll be okay, Mark. Talking to the police is the last thing she needs to do before we can take her home.”

“Did you tell Abby why you were coming home later than expected?”

David nodded. “She was horrified when I told her what happened.”

Mark peered through the window of Emily’s hospital room and saw tears falling down her cheeks. His heart broke for her. He wished he could hold her and take away her pain. A thought occurred to him. “David?”


“Do you think she’ll be safe?” He turned to his friend.

David’s brows furrowed and then he blinked. “Oh.”

Joe and Rafael surely had powerful friends here in LA. Probably in Washington, DC, too. The Café was gone, but what about the men who knew Emily from there? He could only imagine how many dominos would fall when the media got hold of the names of men who frequented the Café and what went on there.

“Will you be okay, since you went to the Café a lot?” Mark asked, sitting in the chair next to him.

David sighed and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “That’s a good question.” He looked sideways at Mark. “Solicitation charges...” He closed his eyes. “Shit.” He shook his head. “I really should have known better.”

“Maybe they’ll cut you a deal since you helped bring down Joe and Rafael.”

David gave a tight smile. “Maybe.”

Mark couldn’t think of anything to say. He wished there was a way to help.

A few minutes later, the detectives emerged from Emily’s room. Mark stood, ready to go back to Emily’s side.

The lady detective smiled. “She’s resting and needs it. She had a lot to say.”

David and Mark shook the detectives’ hands and Mark watched them walk down the hallway toward the exit.

David sighed. “I’m going to go get some coffee from the vending machine. Want anything?”

“Nah, I’m good.” Mark went to Emily’s door. “You can go back to your hotel if you want. I’ll stay with her.”

David shook his head. “I’m okay.”

Mark went back into Emily’s room and sat by the bed. She breathed deeply and her cheeks were pink. Sleeping again. She needed it. It had been a horrific ordeal and she needed all the rest she could get.

David returned and sat on the chair near the window, looking out. Mark hoped the police would be lenient with him. Helping catch the bastards had to count for something, didn’t it?

“She’ll need a place to stay once we return to DC,” David said in a low voice. “I don’t want her going back to that condo. It’s nice, but... She deserves something that doesn’t have all the memories.”

“Don’t you have some corporate apartments?” Mark turned toward David, who still stared out the window.

“Yes. But I think it might be better if she’s not alone. At least for the first few days of returning. Especially if her stomach isn’t healed yet.”

“I have an extra room.” Mark turned back and studied her face. “I don’t know if she’d want to stay with me though.”

“Why wouldn’t she?”

Mark shrugged. “She might want to be away from men for a while.”

David chuckled. “Good point.” He was quiet for a few minutes. “Becky lives not too far outside the city and has several guest rooms. It might be beneficial for her and Becky to spend some time together so she can learn quicker.”