Page 136 of For the Love of Music


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Mark’s heartbroke as Emily closed her eyes. He’d betrayed her when he walked away. God, what a stupid thing for him to do. How could he have believed she’d been here by choice? He knew her better than that.

Her expression softened and her grip on his hand loosened. She’d fallen asleep. Tremors wracked her body every few minutes, but at least she wasn’t in pain. He hoped. He felt so helpless, sitting on the floor next to her, unable to do anything but hold her hand.

The door opened a few minutes later and Seth peeked his head inside. “How’s she doing?”


Seth smiled as he looked between the two of them. “You’re doing the right thing.”

“She saw me walk away from her. She thinks she betrayed me.”

“Drugs do crazy things. I’ve seen it, unfortunately, many times. Once she’s over the influence, she’ll be able to think more clearly.”

“Will the image ever leave my head?” Mark asked, his voice low and guilt-ridden.

“That’s up to you. If you love her, you have to put it aside. It wasn’t her; it was the drugs. Keep telling yourself that. It’ll get easier.”


“Do you need anything?”

Mark shook his head. “Just want her to feel better.”

“She will. It should lift soon. The cops are on their way. I’ll search around for some clothes for her to put on.” He walked through the room and into the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. “She’ll swim in these, but I haven’t been able to find anything else in the house.” He placed them on the floor next to Mark. “Don’t want to jar the bed.” He studied Emily for a long moment.

“Have Rafael or Joe said anything?”

Seth raised his eyebrows. “They tripped going down the stairs and are having a hard time talking through missing teeth and broken bloody noses.” He gave a half smile and shrugged. “Stairs are tricky when you’re tied up.”

Mark shook his head. “They deserve so much more.”

“Oh, they’ll get it. Prisoners don’t take child molesters lightly. Not to mention their careers are destroyed. With egos like theirs, that’ll destroy them mentally.”


Seth left a few minutes later and Mark leaned his head back on the bed and closed his eyes, exhaustion overtaking him.


Emily groanedand opened her eyes. Her mind was blank.

Why was everything white around her? Why did the back of her hand hurt? Why did her stomach hurt?


She turned her head. “Mark?” She looked around. “Where am I?”

“Hospital. It took longer than the paramedics liked for you to wake up from the drugs, so they brought you here.” He took her hand. “How are you feeling?”

She licked her lips. “Thirsty.”

“I’ll get her some water.” David appeared on the other side of her and ran his hand over her hair. “I’m glad you’re awake.”

Emily turned back to Mark as David walked out of the room. “What happened?”