Page 133 of For the Love of Music

“Hold her down,” Rafael said. Joe grabbed her arms and she screamed as he held her in place. She yanked against him, trying to free herself but the pain was too fierce and he was too strong. Every movement was a lick of flame against her skin. Every breath drew molten lava into her lungs.

Rafael held the cat-o'-nine-tails over his head and grinned manically as he swung it across her body.

She screamed as pain erupted across her stomach and breasts.

* * *

Mark leanedhis head back against the wall a few feet down from where Emily was fucking...

He shook his head and rubbed his face. It didn’t make sense. Why was she in there with them? Why had she left the concert to go with them?

She despised them. He knew she did. No one could be that good of an actress. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out what to do. Maybe... maybe they coerced her somehow?

Seth still stood by the door, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the door, shaking his head.

His expression lit a spark of hope in Mark’s chest. Did Seth know something? “Seth?”

Seth pursed his lips and shook his head again. “Something’s off.”


The big man turned to Mark. “How well do you know her?”

Mark grimaced. “I thought I knew her—”

Loud cries of ecstasy erupted from the room and Mark winced and backed away a few more steps. Betrayal stabbed his heart and he squeezed his eyes shut. Oh, how he wanted to deny what he’d seen, but those cries...

“Do you know anything about recreational sex drugs?”

Mark blinked, staring, and sucked in a breath as realization hit. How could he have been so stupid to think Emily was there of her free will? He knew her better than that. Why had he—

He froze as a scream tore through the heavy wooden doors and echoed through the house. What the... Then another one and Mark winced. He and David looked at each other. “Emily!”

He shoved Seth out of the way and pushed open the bedroom door in time to see Rafael swing a wicked-looking whip across Emily’s belly and rip the skin away.

He aimed his gun at Rafael. “Stop Rafael!”

Rafael turned, laughing. “You’re going to shoot me?”

“Drop the whip,” Mark growled.

Rafael flashed a drunken grin and someone pushed Mark to the floor. A towering man sat on his chest, arm cocked back to punch him. Then the man disappeared in a blur as someone tackled him and he landed with a hard thump beside Mark.

Mark leaped to his feet and searched for his dropped weapon. He saw it near Rafael’s feet, and the other man leaned down and picked it up.

David appeared next to Rafael and pressed his gun to his temple. “Drop it,” David growled.

Rafael opened his hand and the weapon clattered on the wooden floor.

Dani had her gun aimed at Joe and he stared at her, blinking as if trying to comprehend what was going on. For the first time, the two of them seemed to realizesomething had gone terribly wrong with their plans.

Mark turned at the sound of flesh hitting flesh and saw Seth pummeling the man who had tackled Mark. After a few minutes of struggling, Seth had him on his stomach, his hands behind his back. “Dani, you have those ties?”

She reached into her jacket pocket and produced several sturdy zip ties. She tossed one to Seth and one to David, who kicked Rafael behind his knees. Rafael fell hard on his knees and David zipped his hands together. Dani did the same to Joe.

Mark stared at Emily, writhing on the bed, her stomach a mess of blood and welts. His jaw trembled, trying to figure out what happened. She curled into a ball and sobbed.

Were there really drugs so powerful they could make her do something she didn’t want to do? The alternative was too terrible to think about.