Page 126 of For the Love of Music

“How long since something in your ass,querida?” Rafael asked as the cool object breached her hole. She arched back and cried out but her father held her in place.

“I fucked up her ass really good last weekend,” Geoffrey said from beside her.

She whimpered and wiggled as the object moved deeper into her body, stretching her hole and her insides mercilessly. At long last, her hole closed around the tapered end and Rafael pulled her back to her knees and ripped her dress from her body. She hung her head. There was no point in trying to hide her body. It would just earn more of their wrath. She’d already made her father come.

They’d achieved what they’d wanted. They’d broken her. Again.

“Geoffrey, why don’t you enjoy her for a bit?”

Geoffrey grabbed her by her hair and pulled her toward him, pressing her face into the thick rug in front of the fireplace. Fabric rustled and a moment later, he’d thrust himself into her body. “Oh, fuck you’re tight...” He groaned. He grabbed her hips and fucked her hard, his hips slamming into her sore ass. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to think of anything that wasn’t the present moment.

Geoffrey’s rhythmic movements hypnotized her and she didn’t feel her cheek scooting across the rug. One part of her realized her cheek would be raw if she moved much more, but, even if she wanted to resist, she couldn’t. Her hands were still tied.

She could tell by his movements he was close to coming and his hands squeezed her hips. As his thrusts deepened, a loud crack deafened her. She jumped, jarred from her waking sleep, and Geoffrey slumped over her.

Joe and Rafael chuckled from across the room.

“Geoffrey?” He hadn’t moved. His body was heavy, like he’d fallen asleep on her. He was still hard inside her body. Something hot and sticky slid across her back. “Geoffrey?”

Footsteps and Geoffrey fell to the floor beside her, eyes wide open but a gaping, bloody hole where his nose and mouth should have been.

Emily screamed and lunged away from the dead body. She hit the brick fireplace and winced.

She looked up to see Joe, Rafael, and the other man standing over her.

“Why did you kill him?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

“He thought by sending you back here, he could extort more money from us,” Joe said, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “He thought wrong.”

Emily avoided looking in the direction of Geoffrey’s body and was thankful when she was hauled to her feet and dragged from the room.

“You’ve got his blood all over your back,” Rafael said. “You need to clean up.” He pushed her up the stairs and into the bedroom she’d stayed in as a teenager. “Take a shower and wait for me. I’ll be back.” He cut the ties that held her hands behind her back and left, closing the door behind him. The locking of the door made her heart fall in her chest.


Mark ranhis hands through his hair, trying to figure out what to do next. “Where would they have taken her?” He glanced at David. “You know Joe, does he have any places he takes women? I know Rafael does.”

David looked thoughtful. “He has a place nearby. We could try there.”

“Go try there,” Chase said through the phone. “Do you have access to weapons?”

Mark laughed. “This is California.”

Chase was quiet. “Seth is in Arizona. He can get there a helluva lot quicker than I can. Let me call him and I’ll call you back. In the meantime, go try the places you’re familiar with. I’ll have Corey research what other places might be in use.”

They said goodbye and Mark took two steps and stopped and looked back at David. “You coming?”

“Of course. But the concert?”

Mark cursed. He couldn’t just leave. He was supposed to play the Tchaikovsky violin concerto. But he couldn’tnotgo search for Emily. “I’ll talk to Mary and Maestro Holden. Come on.”

He searched for Mary and found her in the green room. “Do you know the Tchaikovsky?” he asked, walking up to her.

She nodded. “Everyone knows that one. Why?”

“I need you to fill in for me.”

Her blue eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “What?”