Page 125 of For the Love of Music

Emily’s shoulders slumped, the will to fight seeping out of her like a leaky hose.

Her father studied her face. “You think Davidlikedyou?” He laughed. “He was using you, Emily. That’s what you’re for. That’s all you’ve ever been good for. To be used.”

Emily lifted her chin as a tiny spark of will lit in her chest. She knew David. She knew him better than these men did. “No. That’s not true.” They were trying to mess with her head and she wouldn’t allow it.

“David’s far too smart to give up a multi-million-dollar contract for a stupid prostitute,” Joe continued. “We talked the other day and he apologized for calling me out.” He grinned. “He told me where to find you tonight. Told me to take care of you.”

Emily clenched her jaw. “No, that’s not true. He wouldn’t do that. He’s a good man.”

The men all laughed and she squeezed her eyes shut.David is a good man. Mark is a good man. What they’re saying isn’t true.

“There’s no such thing as a good man, Emma,” Rafael said from behind, his mustache tickling her ear and making her shiver. “Hasn’t life taught you that?”

She pressed her lips together and stared at the wall behind her father. Nothing these men did or said would make her doubt Mark or David.

“She’s grown defiant this week,” Geoffrey said, his blue eyes as cold as ice. “What did David say to make you think he cared?”

She clenched her jaw and pressed her lips together, refusing to answer.

“I think he made her a job offer,” Joe said, sitting down on the couch and watching her. “He said as much Monday night. Well, at least you think it was a job offer. He did it to keep you quiet and compliant until he got you back to DC.”

She stared at the wall, determined to ignore their words. Her father was a fantastic actor. He could make anyone believe anything.

She refused to believe him.

Rafael chuckled and tilted his head, studying her face. “Oh, I think there’s more going on. I think Mark Pierce may have something to do with her defiance.” His voice softened. “You think Mark likes you, don’t you?” He chuckled. “I’ve known Mark for a very, very long time. You’re just one in a long line of lovers, Emma. You’re nothing special to him.”

Emily closed her eyes, clinging to Mark’s words of love and encouragement.

“I have seen Mark partying, fucking multiple women in a single night.” Rafael chuckled. “Women love Mark and Mark loves women.”

He’s admitted as much. He’s not like that anymore. He loves me.

“I don’t think she believes you,” Geoffrey said from the other side of her. “Men don’t change, no matter how much we promise we will.” He snorted. “Look at your father for the perfect example.”

Emily gave her head the slightest of shakes and stared harder at the wall across the room.

Rafael laughed. “I know what to do to get through to her.” He stepped in front of her and caged her chin, bringing her gaze to his. “You need to be broken again, don’t you?”

Emily trembled and backed away. “Please, let me go. I’ll go back to DC quietly and—”

“And risk our reputations?” Joe laughed. “Surely you know us better than that.”

Rafael pushed her in the direction of Joe. “I think she needs a spanking from her daddy.”

Tears sprung to Emily’s eyes as Joe grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. She kicked and tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but without the use of her arms, there was little she could do.

He flipped her so her stomach pressed against his hips and shoved his elbow into the middle of her back, holding her in place. He tugged up her skirt. “I thought you didn’t allow panties, Geoffrey.”

“She must have bought them here.”

Strong hands tugged her panties off and she screamed. Spanking was one of her father’s kinks and she could feel the growing bulge from his hips. When his hand made contact with her bare ass, she screamed again. He knew right where to hit to make the most pain. Over and over, he smacked her ass with all his strength as she screamed and fought. Her movements turned him on, but she couldn’t stop fighting. His elbow dug harder into her spine. His hits grew harder, as did his bulge. He pulled her closer, rubbing himself against her stomach. She wanted to vomit and almost did, when he stopped and groaned, digging his fingers into the bruised skin of her ass.

She hung limply across his lap, staring at the intricately woven carpet, as he lay back, panting. She could feel the wetness on her stomach. Tears dripped down her face and onto the floor. She’d done exactly as he’d wanted and he’d been rewarded.

She shouldn’t have fought him. She knew better but she’d done it anyway. And he’d relished every second of it.

The room was silent for a moment and then fingers pulled her ass cheeks apart and something cool touched her hole.