Page 120 of For the Love of Music

“Because I was sent here to—”

“Emily, we’ve talked about this. Stop worrying. We’ll take care of everything when it’s time. Enjoy what’s happening right now and don’t worry about anything else. You’re here as my assistant and nothing else.” He raised his eyebrows. “I mean it.”

She gave a thankful smile. “You’re a good man, David.”

“I try.” He chuckled. “If you want to spend time with him after the daily conference activities are done, let me know. I just need you around to keep me on task during the day.”

“Thank you, David. We’ll see what happens.”

They said good night and Emily went to her room, got ready for bed, and fell into bed with a smile on her face. For the first time in a very long time, things were perfect. She wanted to relish every moment.


Time flewby as Emily learned to be David’s assistant. After a scolding for not pulling him from a conversation and making him late for the next workshop, she learned to be braver and more forceful with him. Gradually, her confidence grew. She saw her father nearly every day but he kept his distance, though she could feel him watching her and she knew he wasn’t happy. She saw Rafael from a distance a few times but he just glowered at her.

Mark had dinner with them every night and a few lunches. David would go out in the evening with friends, leaving Emily and Mark plenty of time to spend together. It was an amazing week and Emily felt more human and alive than she had in years.

Thursday night was the last night of the conference and it was ending the same way it started: with dinner and a concert.

Emily stood next to David, tablet in hand, head lifted high and smiling at the men and women she’d met throughout the week. David had several verbal agreements for his company’s new software, which, he said, more than made up for the loss of Emily’s father’s business. David assured her it had been a successful week for him and his company.

After dinner, she walked with David around the garden to waste time before the concert started.

“You’ve done very well this week, Emily,” he said, glancing over at her and smiling.

“I like being your assistant.” She smiled. “Thank you for this opportunity.”

“How would you feel about continuing in this position once we’re back in DC?”

Emily stopped and stared at him. “What are you talking about? What about Becky?”

“Becky called this afternoon and we had a long chat about her future.” He sighed. “She’s enjoyed being at home with her baby and thought she might make the move permanent if I could find someone competent to replace her.” He raised his brow. “I told her you were doing a wonderful job and I’d speak to you about it.”

“I don’t know if I could do it...”

“I know you can. Becky will train you. You’ve slipped into the role naturally, Em. I’d love to have you by my side long-term.”

Emily looked across the garden and inhaled deeply. “What about Geoffrey and the Café?”

“I told you, you don’t need to worry about that place anymore. It’s not going to be around much longer.”

“I still don’t understand how that’s possible.”

“Mark has someclever friends that specialize in handling this sort of thing.”

What would it be like to have a real job that didn’t involve sex? To be respectable? To have a normal life? “If you think I’d do a good job, I’d like to try.” She turned to David. “Thank you.”

“I know you’ll do a great job.” He pulled her close and hugged her tight. A fatherly hug. Something he’d done many times this week. Gone was the teasing and the flirting, replaced with respect and dignity.

It was nice. Really nice.

“You messing with my girl, David?”

Emily giggled and turned. Mark stood behind her, oh-so-handsome in his tuxedo, his hair hanging over his forehand. He opened his arms and she embraced him hard.

“Not at all. I was offering her a job as my new assistant.”

Mark raised his eyebrows. “That’s amazing.” He smiled down at Emily. “What did you say?”