He rolled his eyes.

“How do you see invisible numbers?” she asked from the hallway.

“I’m leaving,” he told her. “It’s much too late for philosophical discussions.”

“I thought you said it was math,” Teddie replied innocently.

“Just for that, you can learn two new ways to tie a cinch on Saturday,” he said formally, and then ruined it by laughing.

She grinned. “Okay. Good night.”

“Good night,” Katy echoed. “Thanks again.”

“Thanks for the nice eats,” he replied. His dark eyes were warm on her face. “Sleep well.”

“I don’t, but thanks for the thought.”

He sighed. “I don’t sleep well, either,” he confessed. “I play solitaire and mah-jongg on my cell phone until I get sleepy. Usually, that’s about four in the morning.”

She laughed. “Me, too. Especially mah-jongg.”

“I have four apps with it. I’m a fanatic.”

“We should get a board game and teach it to Teddie. She doesn’t like playing games on the phone.”

“Not a bad idea. I’ll pick up a Monopoly game, too. We might play one Saturday night if you don’t have anything better to do.”

“We just sit and watch old movies on DVD,” she said, shrugging. “I watch that series that your boss’s wife writes for, and the one her father produces, but nothing else. Well, maybe the Weather Channel and the History Channel. But that’s about it.”

He grinned. “Two of my favorites.”

“I’ll bet you sit and watch the NASA channel,” she accused.

“I do. It’s not the most stimulating channel on television, but I like seeing how far we’ve come in the space race.”

“We’re really having one, now.” She laughed. “SpaceX fired the gun, and all the other space companies are piling into the game. I’m so excited about Starhopper lifting off!”

“Me, too. I like to watch those rockets land after they’ve lifted the vehicles into space. He landed two at once on floating platforms in the ocean. Do you have any idea how complicated and delicate a procedure that really is?”

“I do. It’s amazing, what Elon Musk has accomplished.”

“A man with a vision,” he replied.

“A truly great man,” she agreed. “He’s revolutionized space travel.”

“And in a very short space of time, as time goes.” He cocked his head and smiled. “Well, good night.”

“Good night, Parker.” She frowned. “Do you have a first name?”

He made a face. “Yes, I do, and no, I’m not telling you what it is.”


“Nobody knows what it is.” He hesitated. “Well, the boss knows, because payroll sends me a check. But he’s sworn to secrecy.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Okay. We all have a few secrets.”

He chuckled. “So we do. Good night.”