Page 10 of The Edge

“Why are there wolves?”

“It's HIM!” Drayce yelled.

“If I die, I’m going to spend the rest of my afterlife reminding you it's all your fault” said Zedkeil.

“That's cool, I wouldn't mind having company while being a ghost.”

The wolves howled. They were getting closer and closer no matter how fast we ran. Looking behind me to see if there's a wolf back there, I tripped and fell on my face. Scrambling to get to my feet I see glowing red eyes staring at me in the distance. Shit! I scream for the guys and watch in horror as the wolf gets closer. I'm frozen in fear and can't move no matter how much I tell my feet to go.

The wolf is giant, all black with red beady eyes, the wolf starts talking, wait not talking out loud, but in my head. “Hello princess!

‘’Am I supposed to say hello back cause that's not happening.” The wolf laughed and smiled with the drool dripping down his muzzle.

“You’ll be coming with me princess; my lord would like to see you.Blue and green lights pass by my head straight at the wolf Infront of me. The wolf jumps back to avoid the blast of lights. Kyique reaches me first, throwing more balls of blue lighting at the wolf. Kyique started pulling me up when the wolf lunges at us, before I get a scream out, Ezra throws a knife into the wolf's chest.

“We need to get out of here now! yelled Drayce. Open a portal Ky, NOW!

‘’Oh shit’’, said Zedkeil.

The howling starts up worse than it was before. Sounds like a war cry from the darkness. That wolf was going to take me to Zelos I explained to whoever was listening. Ky was waving his hands faster than I could keep up, mumbling something under his breath. A shimmering light blossoms out of thin air right in front of us. “Everyone in,” demanded Drayce.

Drayce reached for my hand, squeezing it. We won't let anything happen to you Aykiz. Ezra reached for me pulling me closer to his body pulling me into the glowing light. It felt like we were sucked into a concrete wall and spit out. The others followed behind us one after the other with Ky bringing up the rear and closing the portal.

The front door opens with my mom standing there with a sword in her hand. Her face mirrors mine in shock. “Aykiz! Gasped in shock. Rushing out to me, wrapping me in her arms, Are you okay? Are you hurt?

I’m okay, in shock I think, Mom some crazy things are happening. I started from the beginning all the way up till now. My mom was freaking out, but in a way, she was prepared for this to happen.

My mom looked behind me, nodding to the guys. “Boys its so good to see you.” stepping back glancing at my mom.

“You know who they are?” glancing at my mom.

Yes! Aykiz, I do. This must be very scary for you, and you are probably mad at me.”

I really don't know how I feel right now.”

’I think she is in shock, said Zedkeil’’.

Drayce, Kyique and Ezra stepped closer to my mom. We need to get to the kingdom, as of now. Zelos' soldiers found her.” Drayce commanded. Gasping Kesha spun around and grabbed my hand, “then we must hurry.”

Once we were inside everything happened so fast, my mom aka my aunt Kesha was giving out orders.”

“Drayce contacts your father and mother and let them know we are coming with Zelos pack on our heels. Have them send guards. Aykiz, go pack some things and fast, Z go with her and call your parents saying you will be going on a road trip with us to somewhere. We will get you some clothes on the way.”

I just stood there while everyone was rushing around, Kesha walked over to me and just hugged me whispering that everything is going to be ok. “Aykiz, do you remember I told you we had to be prepared for anything?’’

“Yes, I remember.”

“Then trust me, now is the time to listen to me and get a move on. I'll explain everything on the way.”

I was upstairs packing, and Z was on the phone with his parents getting permission to go to Hawaii for my birthday. Right if only! His parents were all too happy to get rid of him. They never were happy that he is gay. Standing there not know what all I should pack, when the howling started up outside, to close for comfort.

‘’Oh shit, Aykiz, snap out of it, we got to go”. Z was up off the bed the minute he heard the howling.

Grabbing our things and rushing down the stairs, I yelled for Drayce, “the wolves are here.”

‘’I heard them, said Drayce.

“We must depart princess.” I came to a halt in front of a giant man.