Page 7 of The Edge

“We need to be on guard, be alert. I don't think we have much time before chaos erupts Ky explained in a calming manor. He’s calm maybe to calm. Here I am freaking out. Z and I begin to walk away down the path when Drayce yells for us to stop. I turn around to see Drayce walking towards me.

“Aykiz, wait please, I know this all sounds crazy, but I am telling you the truth. I need you to trust me, to trust us. Drayce looked behind him and back to me. All this will make since soon. “Can you give me a chance Aykiz?” Standing there with my arms crossed looking at Drayce and the guys behind him. Ezra stood there with a grimed expression while Ky looked around like he was waiting for the boogie man to jump out. “Fine Drayce let’s say I believe you. What happens now?”

Now we go back to your place to get Kesha and go to the kingdom. We Go HOME!

“Do we have time to go to the falls or do you think whoever is after me will be here any minute?”

I think we have time before we are found out, give us a min alone?' Drayce commanded looking at the guys.

‘’Sure, we will meet you at the falls, we should be safe for now. I'll be on guard, Ezra looked at me with a sad confused sad face as he walked off. Zedkiel looked as if he wanted to yank me back to the camp.

“It’s okay Zedkeil, I’ll talk with Drayce and meet you up ahead in a minute.”

“If you’re sure Aykiz, we can just leave forget this craziness”. Z explained. No matter how much I wanted to leave and forget all this is happening I needed answers. “I’ll be okay, I want answers Z.”

“Okay Aykiz if that’s what you want, I will follow your lead. Yell if you need me.” Z turned to go with the guys, walking behind them and peering back at me.

Once the guys were far enough away, Drayce started talking,’’ How much do you remember? I told him everything from the moment we woke up in my dream world. How did we get to my dream world?

“It's not a dream, it's real Aykiz. Its real!

What do you mean?” We can be transported to Faire”.

“Where? I asked” he probably thinks I’m a bit draft.

“We Aykiz are a part of a world that exists in secret. Only Fae knows about the Farie and the dragon kingdom.

``The dragon kingdom, like real dragons?” I stopped to look at Dryace shocked and excited to know dragons are real.

“Yes, Aykiz real dragons. Giggled Drayce

“That's so cool, real dragons, so the big black dragon is real?”

Yes, Alistar is real...

That's wow, I can't believe my dragon is real. Squealing like a little girl. Laughing, Drayce kept talking, ‘’You are the daughter of the king Erebus and Goddess Queen of spirits. The king and Queen announced your death to the kingdom for your safety. That's why you are here in this realm.”

“This is a lot to take in and it's kind of hard to believe Drayce.”

“I know it will all make sense soon. Let's catch up with the guys and we can talk more about it.” We walked in silence for a while both caught up in our own world.

“Who are Kyquie and Ezra to you?”

They are my warriors, my protectors. We grew up together. You will be assigned protectors when we arrive home, for now my warriors and I will protect you. We have been searching for you for a long time Aykiz, we didn't ever think we would find you. Years went by but father said you were still alive, and we would find you. He sent us to find you, things have been getting bad. Kyique had a vision of this town, saying we had to come here, now we know why. It's time you come home and complete the Prophecy. Our world has not been the same since you left. You are the one to right all wrongs and bring life back to our world.”

“What do you mean things are getting bad? Who is after me Dryace?

“Morana the Goddess of winter and death.” Drayce shuddered like he got the chills. She is the cause of all the destruction and death.”

That sounds great! This is so crazy; I need to go talk to my mom or even see a doctor and get my head examined.” “Drayce, I don’t understand how this happened.”

Drayce looks at me and smiles. Our connection when we touched confirmed and sealed our bond, it caused us to transport to Faerie. “Your dreams Aykiz, were not dreams? You were transporting your spirit into Faerie while you slept Aykiz. Your spirit is getting restless.”

“What do you mean the dragon confirmed it?” I demanded to know.

Alistar is his name. He comes to you when you most need him. He protected you when you were a babe, he brought you and Kesha here to this realm. He has been visiting you on the mountain has he not?”

“Um yes, at first, I was alone on the mountain, then Alistar showed up.”