Page 44 of The Edge

‘’Less talking Aykiz, focus please’’, yells Drayce. The first wolves reached us with teeth barred drools dripping with blood. Looks like they already had breakfast.

The first set of wolves reached us, I swung my daggers towards the first wolf, slicing his shoulder open as he lunged towards Arcadia, keeping the child behind me and fighting this wolf was a little nerve wracking, I didn't want her hurt. Drayce and Ezra had several wolves attacking them and Kalypso was throwing balls of fire left and right at the wolves. I'm on my own, calling on the shadows, it wraps around me like a second skin, pulsing ready to strike. At least the protection barrier is still working on the child. I'm going to end this wolf before he could hurt her. Why is she out here by herself anyway?

‘’Come on little doggie, come at me you mutt.”

He took that as an invitation, lunging at me latching onto my arm as the knife pierces his chest, shaking his head ripping my arm open causing me to scream. The shadow reacts instantly wrapping around the wolf squeezing the life from its eyes. Another wolf latches onto my leg biting me, I slam my dagger into the shoulder of the wolf that's latched onto my arm, it howled in pain, causing another wolf to pay more attention to me, it began walking towards us with intent on having me for a snack. I bring my foot up to kick the wolf that has my leg in its mouth, grabbing my last blade and slamming it into the wolf with the aid of shadow, the wolf lets go of my leg and drops to the ground, unmoving.

Arcadia starts shaking and crying, holding onto my shirt. The wolf with my dagger sticking out of him crawled towards my leg, he managed latch onto my leg again as the newcomer tackles me to the ground, he goes to bite me when he howls in pain collapsing on top of me. Arcadia under me as well, ‘’Get up Aykiz’’. Arcadia is Pushing my shoulder.

“I can't move, kid, don't ya see the giant ass wolf on top of me. ‘’I can’t breathe, I can't.”

The weight is removed from me, replaced with a hand reaching out to me. The light is blinding, I bring my hand up blocking the sun, a man is standing there with his hand reached out to me. I reach for the hand and come face to face with a giant of a man holding a bow with a quiver full of arrows on his back. “Arcadia where have you been,” the giant reached down picking her up. Looking around I see about a dozen men and women with weapons standing around with dead wolves at their feet. More wolves standing beside the warriors that just saved us.

“Thank you for saving us daddy.”

I look up at the man, “yes thank you for saving us.”

I should be thanking you for protecting my daughter.” Reaching out his hand, I'm Elijah Wolf Alpha of the Storm Forest pack. Shaking his hand, I’m Aykiz Sparrow. Elijah is tall, with ropes of muscles, blond hair and blue eyes, tattoos covering the left side of his chest, he looked only a few years older than me, young for a father.

Drayce runs over to me, covered in blood. “Aykiz are you okay, you're covered in blood.”

“Yes, I'm good, a few bites.” Shrugging my shoulders like being bitten isn’t so bad.

Your arm Aykiz, it's bad.”

Looking down at my arm, I see Blood is dripping down my hand on the dead grass below. Ezra is ripping off a scrap from his shirt, wrapping it around my arm. “We need to get you healed, Kalypso! ‘’yelled Ezra.

Kalypso ran over, what is it?

‘’Can you heal her arm and slow the bleeding, asked Ezra?”

Yes, Aykiz You’re losing too much blood.” As I'm Watching her heal me, I noticed the dried-out grass below is looking healthier. My blood is seeping into the earth, healing the land. Kalypso rubbed her hands together whispering something, her hands started glowing white, she pressed her hands to my arm. Feeling of warmth coating my arm, the bleeding slowed, and the pain eased. “Now your leg my lady,” pressing her hands on my leg eased the bleeding and pain. Kalypso made her rounds to the worst wounds on Drayce and Ezra. Looking up at Drayce, I pointed to the giant standing next to me.He stood there without a word the entire time watching Kalypso heal me.

Drayce, this is Elijah Wolf, alpha of the Storm Forest pack. Shaking his hand,” it's good to meet you, Alpha.”

Looking over at Arcadia, are you alright little one?”

‘’Yes, Sir Aykiz protected me’’.

‘’Aykiz, you have our highest honor. You are all welcome to come to our home and share a meal with us, it's the least we can do for you saving Arcadia.”

‘’It would be an honor, I am starving,” answered Drayce.

Looking over at Drayce, “Do you really think we should be going to their place? I have a target on my back. What if they find out who I am, they could turn us over to Zelos?”

“We will take that chance Aykiz, I don't think they would harm us, they just help protect us. We need to get out of sight for a while, Aykiz. This can be our chance, those wolves were not of this pack, most likely part of Zelos. “

I hope you are right!”


We began our journey towards the village now known as the Storm Forest pack. I started searching the people around us. The warriors that came to our rescue were dressed like Vikings. Furs and leather covered their bodies, knee high boots. Swords and bows strapped to their bodies. The women look fierce with war paint on their faces, their hair braided. The men looked just as badass as the women, with their shirts off, leather pants and weapons strapped to every part of their bodies. Viking Wolfs, ha the thought made me laugh, that fits them better then Storm Forest pack. I’m glad they are on our side, so far. We all climb up on our horses, preparing to leave.

The warriors of the Forest pack gather around us with their Alpha in the middle. Climbing up on my horse, Arcadia reached out to me, ‘’can I ride with you Aykiz?”

‘’I don't mind if your dad agrees.”

Elijah lifts Arcadia up on the horse. Sit still Arcadia!