Page 42 of The Edge

“Alright everyone, listen up, Kyique and Arkyn will go with Hawkley to take Z to Henley. Finan, Kalypso and Ezra will come with Aykiz and me. We will continue our journey. Hawkley, tell Kyique where to open a portal. Everyone pack up, we move as soon as you're ready.”

How will we know how Zedkeil, and our guys are doing? What if it's a trap?”

They can communicate, Kyique will let us know through Kalypso.

‘’Aykiz, wish Z well, don't get too close.”

Walking over to an unconscious Z, bending down I kissed his forehead, “you better pull through this Zedkiel. I don't want to live without you. We will meet up as soon as we can, and fight to stay alive Zedkeil.”

“Once this transition is over for you, you're going to be one badass Wolfy.” Looking up at the Men that are going to protect my bestie, “look after him Arkyn, Kyquie. Hawkley if anything happens to my guys, I will personally kick your ass.”

‘’Yes, my lady, they will be safe and well protected’’.

Hugging Arkyn and Kyique, wishing them safe travels. I watched as Arykn picked up Zedkeil, walking towards Kyquie as he opened a portal. Looking through the portal the land was just as scarce as some of the land we passed. There are patches of dried dead land, then lush green grass. It's like the land is trying to heal itself.

“Kalypso, ‘’why can't we portal to the forbidden forest?”

‘’When portals are opened, they leave a magical trace behind, you can be traced that way. It would get us to where we are going a lot faster, but not as stealthy as we need to be’’. I wish it could be that easy Aykiz. We will fight to the end my lady.” Kalypso stood tall with a ferrous look on her face.

“Thank you, Kalypso, for being on my side.”

Walking out of the cabin with my crew, I pulled my hood up, climbed on up on my horse. I yelled out to the guys; Regulators mount up.”

They stopped to look at me like I grew a second head. ‘’What? I've always wanted to say that. Oh, when this is over you, we will have a movie night. You guys will love Young Guns.”

What are Young Guns, asked Kalypso?

It's a western movie about Outlaws.”

“We will add it to the list,” announced by Kalypso.

Laughing, yes, this list will be a long one by the time I tell you all about earthly things.”


Riding out, we set a steady pace galloping across the plains. The surrounding land was toxic. The lone trees were black like ash, a small gust of wind would knock them over. There were patches of sad looking brown grass, no vegetation left. The animals were starving here. I wish I could help somehow. Narcissa was able to walk through the land blooming flowers. When we stop for the night, I’ll see if she will come to me, maybe she will have answers. The more I see the land and animals suffering the more I want to give Morana a whooping. I wonder what had happened to this Mage Kane. He needs a good whooping too.

“Hey, Kalypso do you know what happened to Kane?

“The word is, he fled to some unknown location after helping Morana. They say he was forced into helping her.”

“I would like to find him and have a few words for him.”

“I as well Princess, more of a whooping as you call it.” Reaching across the distance from Kalypso Fist bumping, ‘’Yes, I agree, Kalypso.

It felt like days before we were able to take a break, we found a nice little secluded spot next to a rocky formation. The trees here at least had some life to them. They would block out any wind. I jumped down from my horse, my legs about collapsed.

’’Ugh I can’t feel my ass or my legs.”

“You will get used to it Aykiz; Drayce explained laughing as he did so.

Taking off the saddle from my horse, putting it on a log. Reaching in the saddle bags I found a few apples, handing one to my horse. Patting my horse on the head, “what is your name? I can't keep calling you horse, now can I. Do the horses have names Drayce?”

“Um, I didn't find out. Just name it whatever you want.”

“How about Apple?” My horse didn't seem to care either way.

I walked over to where everyone was unpacking. I started Gathering up tender for a fire, walking just on the other side of the trees where there was a pile. Bending down, stacking up my arms full, standing, turning around, I bumped into Ezra.