Page 23 of The Edge

Dinner with Lucien! This should be interesting, He’s the brother of Narcissa. I would love to know more about her. I wonder how old Lucien is?”

“They don't age like humans so he's probably old as dirt. Replied Z.


Zand I walk towards the dining hall, the guards at the doors pull their swords and drop to one knee in a salute kind of way of respect, standing they open the doors for us to enter. My guard’s station themselves close but far enough away in case they are needed. The king and queen are already seated with our guest seated next to my brother Xaxas. Lucien notices us walking in with a nod in my direction,

‘’Princess it is good to see you again.

Lucien! how nice of you to join us. Taking our seats, my father looks over to me with a smile. “

So, my dear, how’s practice going?”

“Um great, Z and I are getting better at learning how to use our weapons.

“Dryace tells me you have mastered hand to hand combat.”

“When I wasn’t training in MMA, Kesha was training me, it comes naturally.”

Xaxas Spoke up then,’’ Aykiz I am proud of you. You're learning fast. Lucien, have you seen our girl in action yet?”

Shaking his head, not yet!”

Well, then you should join us in the morning.”

Lucien looks over at me, I look forward to it.”

The rest of the night was storytelling of battles won and lost. Drinks were passed around. Lucien kept sneaking glances my way, I would feel eyes on me and look up to see Lucien staring at me. His gaze was intense like he was trying to figure me out. “

Lucien, how is summer court and your family?” asked my father?

“Summer court is stable; we are making it one day at a time. As all the kingdoms.

“The land will be flourishing again. My father stated as he took a swallow of his tankard filled with whine. He looked sad for just a moment than it was gone.

“Aykiz will be training and will soon be on her quest to fulfill the prophecy.”

“How soon do we expect that to take place? Asked Lucien.

“We will know when the time is right, she still has much to learn. Aykiz will begin her spiritual training in the morning. Then continue with combat, after lunch Aykiz, you will join me in training.”

‘’Yes sir, I will be ready.”

My king and Queen may I be excused? I would like to get an early start.

Of course, Aykiz, sleep well. I stood bowing to my parents, “Lucien. It was lovely to meet you’’.

“It’s my pleasure, Princess; I look forward to seeing you in action.

Zedkeil stood then and bowed to my parents, “good night my king and queen. Turning Zadkeil offered me his elbow, shall we princess?” Wiggling his eyebrows. Zedkiel always had a way with making me smile.

My guards escorted us out, the guards at the doors pulled their swords dropping to one knee. They stood holstering the weapons as they opened the doors.

‘’I’m not going to get used to this Zedkeil.”

‘’Oh, I can get used to this Aykiz. It's all a dream come true. I’m finally somewhere I belong. I have you by my side in an enchanted world. My best friend is the princess of the dark Fae Kingdom and soon to be the dragon queen. You have a lot of weight to carry Aykiz. I got your back girl.”

Finan and Arkyn walked us to my chambers, “Princess. I would like to check your chambers for safety if you would permit it.”