Page 43 of The Edge

“Hey there Princess, bumping into me again I see.”

‘’I seem to be doing that lately.”

Ezra reached to tuck my hair behind my ear, he pulled me close. We were a breath away from each other. Ezra bent his head, sealing our lips together in a tender kiss, pulling back looking up at Ezra. I wanted more, dropping the wood I leaned in, kissing him again. Ezra deepened the kiss so passionately, we lost track of time. It was just the two of us, until a throat cleared behind us.

‘’Hey ugh, guys did you find some firewood?” Yelled Drayce.

‘’Yes, we will be right there, Ezra yelled back. “I wish we had more time, Princess.

“We will Ezra, one day soon. I don't care what the rules are.”

Kissing my forehead, lets head back. We will figure this out. I won’t give you up that easily.” we gathered the firewood and headed back to camp.

Dinner was bread, cheese and some rabbit meat. My stomach full, I leaned against the log watching the fire crackle and burn multiple colors of red, orange and blue green, I reached for Narcissa. I didn't see her but felt her, her voice in my head. “

Aykiz my girl, how are you? I’m lost Narcissa, Zadkeil is turning into a wolf and I'm watching the land die. I have been thinking about how you were able to grow the flowers in the valley. Can I do that?”

‘’Yes, Aykiz you can, you just must give some of your energy to the flower or tree. You must be careful not to use up all your energy. Limit the amount you give, you don't have to give out much, but you are also learning how to control your powers. You don't want to drain too fast. When the land is healed you will be able to channel the energy it gives out. You can do that now, there's just not a lot floating around. Try now, Feel the energy around you.

I reach for the energy, nothing is happening yet, “wait I feel it. There is a zapping tingle over my hand.”

Yes, that's it. Now pull more into yourself, I do as she says. Feeling a slight tingling sensation throughout my body. Good Aykiz, now open your eyes, touch that flower there. I reach for the flower touching the petal, it blooms, the petals are opening turning into a harebell. Jumping up, “I did it Nari, I brought the flower back to life.”

“I am proud of you Aykiz. Now rest, you can reach me anytime. I'll be with you.” Coming back to reality, everyone is looking at me with awe expressions. “

Wow, that was incredible. How did you do that?” Demanded Drayce?

She connected with her energy, stated Kalypso. You're getting the hang of it princess. Keep up the practice.”

I sat there by the fire playing with my shadow magic, pulling it around me. Having the shadow pour out from my hands and back. I seem to be able to pull out the darkness more than light. These gifts are kick ass, thanks mom and dad.

“Hey Kalypso, have you heard from Kyique yet?”

‘’No princess, I've tried to connect with him, but he hasn't answered yet. He will check in soon.”

“Try to get some sleep Aykiz, we should reach another village by midday tomorrow. We can gather our supplies there.” Drayce explained as he rolled out his blanket by the fire.

I lay down by the fire, gazing up at the stars, drifting off wondering how Zedkeil is doing. Praying nothing has gone wrong.


Morning came with sounds of screams; I jolted awake looking around to find that I wasn't the only one standing with shock and ready to battle. Everyone was armed looking around for where the screams were coming from. A little girl is running over the hill to our left behind us. She keeps looking behind her to see whatever is making her scream is still there. “There, cresting the hill, I yell. It's a wolf.”

There's more than one, yelling Drayce. Be ready, Aykiz stay close and kick some ass.”

“Don't have to tell me twice, I'm sick of these mangy mutts attacking innocent people. I pulled out my daggers, getting ready to take on these mutts.

‘’Kalypso, can you put a barrier around the child?” Drayce asked.

Kalypso’s eyes changed colors, waving her hand around, creating a barrier around the child. I guess that’s a yes. The wolf closest to her tried to bite the girl's ankle, when it got zapped by the protection barrier around the girl, causing the wolf to fall to the ground in pain. We start running forward to protect the little girl, she sees us and starts running towards us.

The wolves see us and begin to gain speed ready to take us out. The little girl is yelling at us to run. “They are coming, don't you see them?”

Pulling the girl to me, looking into her blue eyes full of tears. We will protect you, stay behind me, we won't anything happen to you okay. What is your name?”

“I’m Arcadia Wolf.”

I'm Aykiz, it's nice to meet you.”