Page 4 of The Edge

“Yes, it is gorgeous but let's admire the view after we put up this tent huh.”

” No one ever really told you how hard it was to put the poles in on one side and keep the other pole in the ground, getting frustrated and having Z laughing at me. I wanted to give up and sleep under the stars, who needs a tent anyway. Z and I were trying to get this tent to work when a group of guys were walking towards us.

“Z, look it’s “The hot brick wall”

“You are totally right sweetheart he is one hot brick wall.”

“Hey Aykiz! Ezra called out.

“Hi Ezra, I want you to meet my best friend, this is Zadkiel”

Z reached out and shook Ezra hand “Call me Z. it's good to meet you.”

It’s good to meet you Z.” replied Ezra. While looking him up and down

Ezra gestured to his companion’s, this is my brother Kyique and our friend Drayce.”

Drayce and Kyique waved hello.

“Are you guys’ camping? Asked Ezra

Yea just for tonight.” I explained.

Why just for tonight, Aykiz? “asked” Zedkiel? I thought we had the whole weekend.”

My mom wants me home to spend time with me for my birthday.

We better make the most of it then, come on and help me with this stupid tent.” Demanded Zedkeil.

Would you guys like a hand with that? Asked Ezra.”

“Yes, most definitely “Z and I both said.

The guys were laughing at us, but they were nice enough to help. As Ezra and Z put up our tent, I was watching Kyique, and Drayce put up their tent. Kyique was tall at least 6’1 and built like a warrior, he had jet black hair, his eyes were striking, one blue and one green eye. Then there was Drayce standing taller than Ky and Drayce at least 6'3 with black hair and green eyes. Your eyes are wicked cool Kyique.” I blurted out.

Kyique looked up at me with a smile, they are unique, I am the only one in our family that has them.”

“Wow, really? Looking at Ky with a shocked face. Isn’t amazing how different we all are?

Hey, your eyes are a bit unique to Aykiz. They look like smoke; someone back home has eyes like that.”

Kyique was Looking right at Drayce while he said that. Drayce had green, so I didn't see what he was talking about. I was caught looking at Ezra and he smiled and winked. What could I say these guys were hot?

Hey, you guys want to head to the falls?” I asked the guys.

Looking at Z with silent communication, Z smiled and nodded, he was all for it.

‘’The falls, yeah sure we would love to,’’ said Kyique. A few minutes later after we got changed into our swimsuits, slipping on our shoes. I couldn't help checking out the guys, I mean come on I would be blind not too, we were Walking down the trail to the falls, when we came across the sign that said it would be a 4-mile hike to the falls to the south. “Guys, I don’t think we are going to make it there and back before dark.”

Drayce pointed East to a different trail, this says only 2 miles, but a rougher trail to follow. If you guys are up for it, we should go this way.”

‘I’m supposed to stay away from the East side of the falls.”

Everyone stopped and looked at me like I lost my mind. “My mom said that it's dangerous on the east side.”

Drayce and Kyique looked at each other, then the map of the trial.

“It doesn’t look dangerous; we could go try and if it gets bad, we can turn around and go to the South side in the morning.” Drayce stated.