Page 21 of The Edge

“He is a friend. Bhaltair said as he walked away.

“You can only choose one weapon.”

Wait! ‘’ I can only choose one. That's so unfair.

Bhaltair turns towards me, “Aykiz you may choose one and if you are worthy another will choose you. Until then, pick one.”

“I chose Lucien's daggers.

Bhaltair smiles, they suit you, Aykiz. You chose well”.

Turning them side to side, you could see the detail in the swirling carvings on the blades. They were curved talons of a dragon claw. Walking over to Drayce, I showed him my new daggers.

“Check these beauties out Dryace.

Drayce whistles, wow I haven't seen these in a long time.

“Lucien gave these to Bhaltair for saving his life the night we fought Zelos. This was years after you were hidden away.

“Really? Can you tell me what happened?”

Drayce looked like he was in a faraway land telling this story. “We were patrolling that night, Bhaltair and I with our guards. We heard the fighting first, we ran as fast as we could, when we arrived Lucien was outnumbered by Zelos wolves. At least 10 were attacking. Lucien guards were dead. Lucien was bleeding from every part that could bleed. One of the wolves jumped on Lucien, he went for his throat. That's when Bhaltair threw his blade into the wolf throat, killing it before he could take out Lucien.”

“We fought the wolves, killing most of them. Some ran off. Lucien was bad off. Almost dead. Ky opened a portal to the summer courts healer. The healer worked all night long in saving Lucien's life. The venom in the wolf’s bite is deadly somehow. “

We don’t heal like we used too.”

“Does the spell that Morana placed effect your healing?”

“We think so.”

Looking back down at the blades, “these are special, I shouldn’t take them.”

‘’NO, you should, Bhaltair would have said something if he didn’t want you to have them.

‘’Hey, I thought Lucien was a warrior like a guard, why did he have guards?

Drayce looks at me then, ‘’Lucien is well, the Prince of Summer Fae court. Narcissa was his sister.”

Shocks of all shocks, wait is he still alive?

“Yes, Lucien is still alive, we don't age like humans here, you will be young and beautiful for a very long time, Aykiz.”

I really don't know how to process that yet Drayce, but ‘’Can I meet him?”

“I’m sure the King has sent news to the summer court of your arrival. Lucien might just show up.”

“Now let's see what you can do with these bad boys,” pointing to the blades in my hands.

The next few days we have been training with the weapons we chose and hand to hand combat, from sunup to sundown. Ezra walks over to me after the morning training,

‘’Aykiz I would be honored if you would spar with me today, I would like to teach you how to use those blades without hurting yourself.

Laughing, I think that would be a great idea. I’ve only cut myself a few times.”

Ezra is showing me how to hold them when fighting, how to strike without the enemy knowing when it would hit. He takes the blades and shows how to use them with quick and smooth movements. Ezra hands them back to me and I hold them like he showed me too. He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me to show me how to move and strike. I couldn’t concentrate on what I was supposed to do with him holding me close. I take a breath to steady my pounding heart when I breathe in his scent. He smells like whisky on a hot summer night. Ezra went to instruct me on how to move when we heard a voice that shook the floor.

Aykiz boomed a voice, looking up I saw Finan walking with a purpose of taking out Ezra. His eyes were murderous. Ezra stepped back so fast he almost fell.