Page 20 of The Edge

“Well then, you're about to learn.”

By the time we are done I can't move off the floor, everything hurts, sparring with Ezra then my brothers.

“They spare like then men on 300 said Z”.

Lying next to me. Laughing at that knowing Z is in heaven with shirtless 300 warriors also known as the Elite guards. Bahlatair walks over and offers a hand, “time to get up and hit the showers, we have training 0600 so don't be late.”

Climbing the stairs to our rooms feels like climbing mount Everest. “

We haven't trained like this in a long time. I thought we would be better.”

“We are good Z, it's just these guys had centuries of practice. We are a little out of practice too.”

“What's going on between you and Ezra?” I saw the way you guys were looking at each other.

Before I could answer, we made it up the flight of stairs to come face to face with my mother the Queen.

Aykiz my dear I would really like to speak with you for a moment.”

I didn’t have time to answer before she turns around walking down the hall. I look over at Z then follow her down the hall to her sanctuary. I get to the doorway when she calls me in.,

“Please have a seat Aykiz before you fall over.”

I take a seat wondering what she wants to talk about.

“I see your brothers are training you well.”

“Yes, they are, I'm learning more than I ever have.”

“Good, you will need all the training you can get. I want to train you on spirits, and how to speak with them all the way to raising them from the dead.”

“Raising them from the dead?”

You can do that?”

“Oh yes dear I can and much more, I am the Goddess of spirits after all,” with a big smile. My eyes travel to her desk where a jar of gray, white floating mist sits on her desk. “What’s that I ask her?”

“Oh that, well a jar of spirits.

“Dare I ask why you have a jar of souls on your desk?”

These souls are the ones I captured the day I sent you away. They are imprisoned until they give me what I want.”

“What do you want, my queen?”

“Information! She said this as she’s glaring at the jar. The queen turned with a smile on her face, we will meet here after your training with your brothers, I will guide you on how to harness your powers.”Off to bed with you!”


The next morning, I was up and ready for the next training session and anxious for the one after with my mother the Queen. Walking into the training area seeing the guards training with my brothers was a sight to behold. The way they moved so fast, striking with their swords with such force that would have knocked anyone else on their butts.

“Choose your weapon carefully, Aykiz you’ll be fighting with it for the rest of your life ‘’ a voice boomed behind me. I turn around to see my brother Bahltiar standing behind me. Bhaltair pointed to the wall of weapons. Walking over to the wall Bahltair turned around waving his hand at all the weapons on the wall. My eyes are drawn to a pair of daggers. I go to reach for them when Bhaltair says

“Those are Mazikeen’s blades, a gift from Lucien”.

“These are badass! looking over at my brother I asked’’

Who is Lucien?