“The fort,” Chet said with a small laugh. “We were so damn proud of ourselves, even though I’m surprised it stayed up. Bobby always let us have free rein of his property. Wait a minute.” He took a step away from the cluster of men and studied the patch of land in front of him once more. “This leads up the mountain then wraps around toward the cabin. Do you think that old fort is still standing?”

Tucker clapped a hand down on Chet’s shoulder. “Only one way to find out.”

“Everyone drive up to my place. We can walk to the fort from there.”

And if they were right, and he found Eddy at their old hang out with Mia, he’d make him pay.

* * *

Mia’s head fell forward,her chin pressed against her chest, when Eddy finally released her hair. Her scalp screamed, and she pressed her fingers to the back of her head to ease the pain.

“We should go inside and say hello to dear ol’ Uncle Bobby. Don’t ya think?” Eddy gripped her elbow and forced her to her feet.

As she shuffled forward, she kept a close eye on the gun hanging loosely in Eddy’s other hand. Either he’d forgotten he needed it to force her to stay in line, or he didn’t think she posed a threat anymore and didn’t have to be as vigilant.

She’d prove him wrong. She refused to be another one of his victims. She had too much to lose. Too much to live for. And even though she could run and leave Bobby alone to deal with his deranged nephew, there were now two of them to fight off one monster.

The rotting door squeaked open, and she stepped inside. Thank God she was so short or else she would have had to stoop over so her head wouldn’t hit the roof. Drips of water found their ways through holes and splashed down on the dirty floor. A pile of blankets took up one corner and a wooden bench was shoved against the far wall.

The mound of blankets shifted, another wet cough breaking through the constant patter of rain beating on the roof. Bobby’s gaunt face appeared as the drab, olive green blanket fell to his shoulders. Dirt smeared over his face and made the whites of his eyes more pronounced when he widened them. “Mia?”

Her name came out as if the sound itself scratched his throat. She lunged toward him, but Eddy kept her firmly in place. She ignored the sharp pinch on her bicep. “Are you okay?”

Bobby nodded, but the motion was anything but convincing.

“The old man’s fine. He’s been fed. Has water. I even gave him a damn blanket.” Eddy tugged her to the opposite side of the room.

She kept her eyes latched on Bobby. Urgency sweeping through her, she inched her fingers closer to her purse. Bobby was in no shape to fight. If they were going to make it out of here alive, it was up to her.

Eddy threw her in the corner, and she made a show of tripping over her feet and curling into a ball on the ground—her chest facing the floor and head against the wall. She dipped her hand into her purse and said a silent prayer of thanks she wasn’t one of those women who carried around everything they owned. She made quick work of finding the knife and slid it out of the purse.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”

Panic made her pulse gallop. If he found the knife, she was screwed. Quickly, she dropped the weapon on the floor and turned to sit on it, then plunged her hand back into her purse. “I….I was just…”

“You think I wouldn’t notice you trying to get out your phone?” He stormed to her side and yanked the purse strap over her head, throwing it across the room. “Don’t be stupid, or I swear I’ll drag this out. Make you watch him suffer before I finish you off.”

“Leave her out of this. She’s done nothing to you,” Bobby yelled.

A growl of anger ripped from Eddy’s mouth. He crossed the room in four long strides and struck Bobby across the mouth with the back of his hand. “Keep your mouth shut.”

Mia flinched, taking the moment of distraction to grab the knife from under her, and flip open the blade. Huddling in the corner, she crossed her arms over her chest and buried her hands near her armpits. Making sure to keep the knife out of sight.

Bobby stared defiantly back, but his bound hands and ankles kept him in place on the floor.

Just like Eddy had done to Chet.

Her wrists itched. No doubt he’d do the same to her. She had to act before he fetched the rope.

“Now that she’s here, I don’t need you anymore,” Eddy said as he stared down at Bobby. He brought his foot back and shot it forward, kicking Bobby in the stomach.

“Stop!” Mia yelled.

Eddy spun toward her, hatred shining from his eyes. “You’re in no position to tell me what to do. Time’s running out. I need to get this done.” As if suddenly remembering the gun in his hand, he aimed it at her head. “Don’t try anything stupid, or I’ll make him pay.” He swung the gun to Bobby.

She molded herself against the wall. As much as she didn’t want him to harm Bobby, she needed Eddy’s attention trained on him so she could act.

“In order to make this work,” Eddy continued. “I need to make Uncle Bobby’s death look like a suicide. Everyone’s been lookin’ for him. Knows he’s been hunting.”