Entwining his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck, he captured her mouth once again. Tonight, he’d savor every single second of this woman, then he’d do the same thing tomorrow and the day after for as long as she kept him around.

* * *

The soundof whining lifted Mia’s eyelids, and she came face to face with Wrigley. Yawning, she turned on her side then paused, confused by where she was.

A strong arm latched around her waist, securing her to a hard chest.

Excitement tingled in her tummy, and she raised her chin to stare into Chet’s large, brown eyes. “Good morning,” she said, unable to hide the smile spreading her mouth wide. Last night had been perfect. Fire, wine, and a night spent on the couch after a hot make-out session.

The side of his mouth hitched up. “Morning.”

“How’d you sleep?” She’d slept like a rock, but the couch barely fit his frame. Not to mention she’d slept cuddled against him all night.

“Well, my arm’s either asleep or it fell off, and I had a beautiful woman on top of me. How do you think I slept?”

Laughing, she slapped at his chest.

He trapped his hand on top of hers, pinning it against his muscles. All traces of amusement left his face. “I haven’t slept so soundly in years.”

Heat crashed against her cheeks. “Same.”

Wrigley whined again, stealing her attention.

“I need to take him outside.” She pushed herself to her feet and ran a hand over her mop of hair.

Chet snagged her hand and yanked her back down then kissed her. “Okay. Now you can go.” His phone rang and he sat and reached for it. “It’s Cruz. I’m going to take this.”

“Let’s go Wrigley.” She slipped her feet into her sneakers by the door and shrugged into a light jacket. The sun was just bursting through the darkness so the air would still have a bite of chill she didn’t want to battle.

Wrigley bounded through the door and ran down the porch steps to the front yard. Drops of dew dotted the green blades of grass, and the blanket of thick clouds swirling in the sky announced more rain to come. But Mia couldn’t bring herself to care. Rain or shine, nothing would dampen her day.

When the dog was done sniffing around, he ran back to the porch. She ruffled the fur on the top of his head then headed back inside.

Chet paced across her small living room, the phone pressed to his ear. A frown pulled down his mouth and he nodded before he said goodbye and hung up. “Cruz wanted to give me a heads up the warrant for Bobby’s house will probably come through this morning. I want to be available for Missy. The Trading Post will be open in thirty minutes. We should get ready and head into town so we can grab essentials for Wrigley. That way we can have what he needs for a few hours alone in case Missy needs us.”

The reality of what waited for them outside of the comforting cocoon of her home crashed down on her like a bucket of icy water, but she wouldn’t let it ruin the thrill of happiness humming inside her. As much as the idea of Bobby being a serial killer turned her stomach, the police searching his house could bring an end to this nightmare. Then she and Chet could focus on the relationship blooming between them. “Sounds good. I’ll put on the coffee then throw some clothes on.”

“You okay if I run over to my place really quick to change? I can wait for you if you’d like.”

“Don’t be silly. I’ve got Wrigley. Go. Get ready. Then we’ll head into town.”

He dipped his chin in acknowledgment then she watched him leave, the hum dimming a little at being alone.

Twenty minutes later,Chet parked his truck in an empty spot outside Truly’s Trading Post, right beside the company vehicle. “Looks like Eddy’s here. They don’t open for another ten minutes, but maybe he’ll let us in if we knock,” Mia said, unfastening her seatbelt. She hooked her purse across her body.

“Might as well try.” Chet hurried out the door then rounded the truck to help her down.

The touch of his hand caused flutters of anticipation to erupt in her stomach. She held on tight as they walked to the locked, glass door and Chet knocked with his free hand.

A few seconds passed before Eddy approached the other side of the door with his eyebrows pulled low. He wore a forest green apron with the company’s logo embroidered on the chest over a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. Frowning, he unlocked the dead bolt and opened the door. “Hey, you two. What’s going on?”

“I need to get supplies for a puppy,” Mia said, forcing a cheerfulness to her voice she didn’t feel. “I know you aren’t open yet, but do you mind if we grab what we need now? We have a busy day, and I don’t want Wrigley to go without essentials.”

Eddy scrunched his nose. “Wrigley?”

“The dog,” Chet said. He stood with his feet hip width apart and scowled. “We need a crate and maybe some toys. Can you help us out?”

Eddy nodded then stepped to the side. “Sure, man. Come on in. I’ll show you where the pet supplies are.”