“What kind of person do you think I am?” Zoe shot him a look then focused on Mia. “How are you?”

She shrugged. “As good as can be expected.”

“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. You could even come with me to the studio after breakfast if you don’t want to be alone today. I won’t even charge you for taking a class.” Zoe winked and offered a small smile.

“Seriously?” Chet rubbed his fingers in circles over his temples. “You’re joking right now? I need to know what’s going on. I can’t just stand here and pretend like nothing happened—that it’s just another day.”

Anger at his irritation with Zoe swirled in Mia’s stomach. Before she could open her mouth, Zoe crossed the room and threw her arms around Chet’s middle.

Chet stiffened, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “Zoe, don’t—”

“Shut up and hug me, you big ass.”

Chet’s arms closed around Zoe, and his body relaxed.

An awkward silence lingered in the air, as if Mia was witnessing something she wasn’t meant to see. She turned her back to Zoe and Chet but couldn’t stop from hearing their murmured exchange.

“This sucks,” Zoe said in a quiet, soothing voice. “You’ve been dealt a really shitty hand. We both know Cruz and Lincoln will do whatever they can to figure out who’s responsible. You just need to let them do their job and not be a dick to everyone in the meantime.”

Chet snorted.

“Things are mostly done here. Head on home, and Mia and I will finish up. Call Cruz. He’ll tell you what he can.”

Mia glanced behind her just as Chet dropped his arms from Zoe and swung her way. Their gazes locked, and for an instant, she saw a world of pain swimming in the depths of his eyes. Questions burned her tongue, but a scowl crumpled his mouth and he stormed away before she could voice a single one.

“Okay,” Zoe said, swiping a platter of sliced fruit from the island. “I’ll start taking everything out and setting up the buffet.”

Mia blinked quickly. Confusion knitted her brow. Chet’s behavior since yesterday was gruffer than usual, which she hadn’t thought possible. She understood being upset, but the amount of pain and anger radiating from him made her reaction almost nonexistent in comparison.

Not wanting to dive into the complexity of Chet’s brain, she busied herself with lining up the breakfast items as Zoe ferried them to the dining room. By the time breakfast was served and the mess cleaned, Mia’s curiosity had fanned the flames of her imagination. She dried the last dish, putting it in its place, and casually asked, “So what’s going on with Chet? I’m surprised to see him so upset.”

Zoe wiped off the counter then tossed the dirty towel in a bin stored under the sink. “Chet’s story isn’t for the faint of heart, and it’s not mine to tell.”

Mia swished her mouth to the side, hesitation slowing her words. She didn’t want to snoop but her mind spun with reasons for Chet’s odd behavior. “I promise I’m not a gossip. It’s just that I’ve worked here for months now and can’t put my finger on that guy. He can be such an ass and has never given me a fair chance. Never been happy to have me here. Now, on top of that, he’s so shaken. I guess his reaction is just surprising, and I’m trying to understand.”

“I get it,” Zoe said. “I really do. Being around Chet can be difficult, but he’s been through a lot. Maybe you should ask him about it. Having an honest conversation might clear the air. Now come on. I have a class in twenty minutes.” She wiggled her fingers in a come-here motion until Mia met her by the door. Zoe circled an arm around Mia’s shoulders and gave a little squeeze.

Brooke’s statement from the morning before echoed in Mia’s head. She’d mentioned Chet’s demons, and now this morning’s interaction between Chet and Zoe made her wonder if there was more to the giant pain in her backside. Maybe there was a reason Chet was so difficult, but even if there was, it didn’t matter. She still didn’t deserve to be treated like dirt and didn’t have the desire to peel back the layers of any man. Not after what she’d been through.

As she walked down the hall and into the lobby with its warm wood beams running along the high-pitched ceiling and three-story stone hearth that anchored the room, she vowed to stick to her plan. It didn’t matter that things took a horrible turn and she’d uncovered a plethora of graves near her home, or that she realized there was more to Chet than met the eye. She’d keep showing up to a job she loved and keeping her eye on the future—putting away money and saving for the restaurant she’d always wanted.

A restaurant that had been within her grasp until her good-for-nothing ex took everything and ran.

“Do you want to drive into town with me?” Zoe asked as she pushed out the door and stepped onto the wide porch.

A warm breeze brushed against Mia’s cheek and cooled her heated skin. She hadn’t told Zoe she’d even go with her, but yoga sounded better than sitting home alone. “I’ll drive and meet you.”

“See you there.” Zoe waved then hurried to her car.

Mia lifted a palm and watched Zoe drive out of the small parking lot at the front of the lodge. She took a second to appreciate the explosion of trees and wildflowers crowding the perimeter of the stone lot before heading toward her car. Gravel crunched under her feet. She fished her hand into the purse dangling from her shoulder in search of her keys then stopped short. Her heartbeat doubled its rhythm, the rush of blood making her head spin. Shock rooted her feet to the spot.

Deep slits ripped through her tires, a knife left in the rubber of the front wheel.


Swelling clouds rolled through the bruised sky as Chet jumped from his truck and hurried into the police station before the rain started. Screw calling Cruz. It’d be a lot harder for Cruz or Lincoln or any other officer working the case to brush him aside if he was in their faces. The brick building stood at the edge of the town square. He swung open the door, and the deep frown on his face must have convinced the young officer to buzz him through without asking questions.

Not like the guy didn’t know who Chet was. Hell, he probably understood exactly why he was here. The young officer had been a fresh-faced police academy graduate when Chet was on the force, and he appreciated still being treated like one of the team.