Mia flattened her hand against the small of his back and his tightened muscles loosened a fraction.
She stepped to his side, her hand still pressed against him. “Chet is my coworker.”
He flinched at the casual description of their relationship. What the hell was wrong with him? He finally stood face-to-face with the man he believed for so long had stolen everything from him, had tied him up and left him for dead, and he was more concerned with the label Mia slapped on him.
Confusion knitted Professor Lipton’s brow. “I don’t understand. You came together? Why? What do you want from me?”
“The truth,” Chet barked. “For once and for all. Confess what you did and put this whole thing to rest.”
Deflating, Professor Lipton pinched the bridge of his nose. “How many times do we have to rehash this? The only thing I’m guilty of is being too friendly with one of my students. I regret that now, I really do. I misread Laurie’s friendliness and wanted to pursue something that wasn’t there. Something I had no right to. I apologize for that. But that doesn’t make me guilty of murder. I told you and the police the same damn thing. Hell, I told them again when they called the other day.”
“Wait,” Chet said, taking a step forward. “You spoke with the police the other day?”
“Yes. I was called about Ms. Simpson.” Frowning, he dropped his arm to his side and balled his hand into a fist. “Listen, I get how it raised a red flag. Laurie and Janie were both students of mine. But coincidences happen all the time.”
“What about Mia?” Chet studied the man’s face, searching for any indication he was hiding something.
“What about her?” Professor Lipton asked, his bushy brows snapping down low, eyes narrowed.
“She was a student, too.” Chet countered. He wasn’t willing to give away any more information, but he wanted to see the man’s reaction.
The professor threw his hands in the air and a frustrated grunt huffed from his mouth. “So were countless other women. And I’ve never hurt a damn one. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He took a step forward, but Chet refused to budge. “My wife will worry if I’m not home in time for dinner. Please. Step aside.”
“Why should you be allowed to go home to enjoy a nice dinner with your wife? Does she know how you pressured Laurie? How you lured her to your office time and time again, only to proposition a married woman? You don’t deserve love and happiness. You don’t deserve a warm meal and a good woman.”
“Chet,” Mia, said quietly. “Maybe we should go.”
Professor Lipton let his head fall forward for a few beats before lifting it again to meet Chet’s stare straight on. “I was an asshole. I disrespected your wife and your marriage. I’m sorry for that. But you’re wasting your time and your anger on me. I’m not the one you’re looking for.”
Mia slid a piece of paper from the front pocket of her jeans and unfolded it. She skimmed a finger along the front. “You said your schedule this semester is similar to what is planned for the next one.”
He nodded. “Day classes are the same. I dropped an evening class so I can be home.”
“So you taught a class yesterday morning?” She asked.
“Two. One at 9:00 am. Another directly after. Then office hours after lunch.”
“Then he couldn’t have been at the kennel yesterday.” Mia slid her hand in Chet’s, and the feel of her skin against his was like a soothing balm he didn’t know he needed. Damnit to hell, this woman who stood beside him after seeing him at his worst, keeping him grounded, had gotten under his skin in a way he never imagined possible.
“Kennel?” Professor Lipton asked. “Like a dog kennel? Why would I be there? And I still don’t understand what any of this has to do with you, Mia.”
Chet ignored the questions. “Can someone from your classes vouch you were here?”
Irritation clouded his face, but he nodded. “If it will end this nonsense, I’ll get a number of students to verify I was here all morning. I’ll give them your information to contact you.”
“Just one is fine,” Mia said. “Thank you for speaking with us.” She tugged at Chet’s hand, leading him toward the door.
A crushing blow of defeat slammed against Chet’s chest as he turned his back on Professor Lipton and the last chance to prove Bobby’s innocence. He’d clung to the desperate need for this man to be guilty so that the one he loved like a father could escape the scrutiny coming his way.
Because if a man he trusted so damn much was a murderer, Chet couldn’t handle the earth-shattering blow.
The sound of his name stopped him in his tracks. He turned back around, his stomach revolting against the truth he’d been forced to swallow. Any response clogged in his tight throat, so he simply quirked one brow.
“I don’t know a lot about life, but I do know things can get the better if you let them,” Professor Lipton said. “Don’t let the pain of the past keep you from embracing a new future. You can only swim in your anger and hate for so long before you drown.” He aimed a small smile at Mia.
He stared, open mouthed, the wisdom of the words raining down on him. He’d been hesitant to come here today, but he’d gained more than he’d imagined. He’d gained two truths that his soul had needed to learn.