She kicked out her foot, and he captured it in his hand. She didn’t pull away or object to his touch, so he kept his hand wrapped around her cool skin.
Swallowing hard, she continued. “Over time, I realized he wasn’t trying to take care of me but control me. When I’d demand to do things my way, he’d insist I couldn’t do it right. When I argued with him, he’d treat me like a child. Every move he made was a deliberate attack on my confidence. He crippled me emotionally, abused me verbally, and when I finally had enough, he found someone else—while we were dating—and took off with all my money and possessions.”
Fury clenched Chet’s jaw. No matter how much of an ass he’d been to Mia since she started working at the retreat, she always showed up with a smile. Always helped him anyway she could. She was kind and sweet and caring. She didn’t deserve to be treated poorly. “I’m glad you didn’t tell me this before. I would have had to put my fist in the guy’s face.”
She smiled and sunk deeper against the side of the couch.
Without thinking, he moved his fingers against the arch of her foot, gently kneading. “Why didn’t you have him arrested for theft?”
“Both our names were on the account. His idea,” she said, an irritated smirk on her lips. “Besides, I didn’t know where he went, and I had no desire to find him. I want him out of my life. He’s slippery. Manipulative and sneaky. I don’t need that around.”
“Do you think he slashed your tires?”
She shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. He acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about when I brought it up to Beau, but Aaron is a world-class liar.”
He moved one hand up to Mia’s ankle, digging into her toned muscles. As he rubbed away her tension, his own melted away. “Is he capable?”
“Before today, I don’t know if I would have said yes. But after what he just did…how he acted. I just feel so stupid for getting myself into this situation. For letting him dupe me then not getting away from him sooner. I can’t believe I let things get so bad.” She sniffed back the tears filling her eyes.
“Hey. Don’t cry.” He hooked his arm under her knees and brought her closer. Tears were his kryptonite, and watching Mia beat herself up over something that wasn’t her fault was torture. He wrapped his arm around the small of her back and the smell of her coconut shampoo tickled his senses.
She buried her head in his chest. “I’m sorry. This is the last thing you need to be worried about.”
“You’re the only thing I’m worried about right now. You have every right to be upset. You trusted this man. Loved him.”
She pulled back, tilting her chin to look up at him, and sadness weighed down her features. “I don’t even know what love is.”
He hitched up the corner of his mouth. “Yes, you do.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because you show it to people every day. It’s in your food. How you treat people. Hell, even with me. I’ve been such a jerk, but you still took care of me. That’s love.”
“But I’ve never beeninlove. Not like what you had with Laurie. Where you find someone you give your whole heart. That you cherish more than yourself. You’re lucky.” Her eyes rounded. “I’m so sorry. That didn’t come out right.”
He smiled. “I was lucky. I loved Laurie more than life itself. Still do. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Even with all the pain. Even if I don’t know who I am without her.” He’d floundered like a lost ship, being tossed around from wave to wave, in an endless sea. No anchor. No destination. No idea what life meant without the two people he loved the most.
“I know exactly who you are.” Her gaze landed on his mouth.
The soft hush of her words heated his core. He stopped the motions of his hands, the moment suddenly becoming intimate. Special. As if what she was about to say could change everything between them. “And who is that?” He inched closer to her. Her warm breath caressed his cheeks. The need to kiss her, to take her mouth in his, almost overpowered him. He licked his lips but didn’t push any further. He didn’t want to take advantage, and hell, he was scared. He hadn’t kissed a woman in so long, he feared he’d forgotten how.
Mia cupped her palm against his rough beard. “You’re the man who’s been through the unthinkable but still shows up. Still gives his all. Who’s made me feel safe and protected and like everything’s going to be okay…no matter how much things may seem otherwise. You’re Chet. I’m lucky that life has put you in my path. And I’m grateful.”
Leaning forward, she gently pressed her lips to his then pulled away, a smile on her face. “Now. Let’s forget about all the bad stuff for just a little while and keep watching this really awful show.”
A booming laugh burst from his mouth, a sound so foreign and so wonderful. His heart swelled and the taste of her soft lips was seared in his brain. With his arm around her shoulders, he nestled her to his side and pretended like the worst thing happening in his life was having to watch the ridiculous women throwing drinks at each other on the TV.
The smell of sizzling bacon lifted Mia’s eyelids. A yawn ripped through her mouth, and she stretched her arms high over her head. Her hand smacked against the end table beside Chet’s couch and jostled the lamp.
Hurrying to a sitting position to steady the lamp before it fell, she peered over the back of the couch to find Chet busy in the kitchen. Coffee dripped into a half-filled pot, its scent combined with the bacon and made her mouth water.
Chet turned with a sheepish grin. “Morning.”
She ran her hands through her hair, aware of her rumpled appearance. Oh God, her breath had to be horrible.
He chuckled. “You look beautiful.”