She crossed her arms over her chest. “You didn’t answer my question. How did you find me?”

He shrugged. “Your mom told me. When I explained my side of the story, she knew you’d want to speak with me.”

Unshed tears burned behind her eyes, and she bit the insides of her cheeks to keep them from falling. Aaron would mistake her tears for joy over him when it was her mother’s betrayal that cut her at her knees. “You should have called.” She spoke with clenched teeth, using all her energy to keep her voice even.

“Showing up is a bigger gesture.” He grinned, showing off straight white teeth.

“A bigger gesture than stealing, cheating, and running away?” She seethed and counted off each offense on the tips of her fingers.

Smacking his lips, Aaron sliced his hands through the air as if her argument was a silly whine he needed to squash. “Misunderstandings. Come on, babe.”

“Don’t call me that,” she snapped. A thought dawned on her and made her stomach turn. “How long have you known I was here?”

“I talked to your mom yesterday.”

So had she. Had her mom gone behind her back and told Aaron where she was even after she’d practically begged her mom to leave the situation alone. Confirmed, yet again, all the horrible things he’d done.

Well maybe not all of the horrible things. Some of the things she’d endured were too painful and humiliating to confess to anyone.

But even though her mama’s willingness to give Aaron her personal information made her blood boil, a bigger question needed to be answered. Did Aaron know where she’d moved before her tires were slashed?

“When did you get into town?” She steeled her nerves for the blow his answer could deliver. Everyone had assumed the person responsible for vandalizing her vehicle was the killer. Maybe they’d all been wrong.

“What does it matter? I’m here now, and I want to make things right. I want to build that future we always wanted.”

“It matters,” she said.

He rocked back on his heels. “This morning. I needed to get up my nerve before talking to you.”

She’d laugh at the absurdity of his answer as if it didn’t terrify her. “You need to leave. Now.”

“Stop being so dramatic.” Aaron’s chest puffed out as he drew in a large breath. The sound of crickets chirped in the distance, the pleasant cacophony of the springtime evening a direct contrast to the pissed-off snarl aimed her way.

His mask was slipping, along with his composure. She didn’t want to be near him when they both fell away. “We’re done here,” she said, swinging the door closed.

Aaron shot out his hand and gripped the edge of the door, blocking it from closing. He pressed into her personal space, his breath hot against her face. “We’re done when I say we’re done. Let me in. Now.”

She cringed at the pungent scent of liquor seeping from his pores. A beat of terror pulsed through her. “I said no.” She slapped at his hand.

He took another step forward, forcing her back. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears. Aaron on a good day could be an ass, but he was completely unpredictable when drunk.

She shoved at his chest, and he latched onto her wrist. Twisting it so she had to turn her body to the side. “Stop. You’re hurting me.”

“I wouldn’t have to hurt you if you’d just listen to me.”

The tiny hum of Chet’s television leaked through the thin wall and snapped her into action. She wasn’t alone. She didn’t have to figure out how to get away from Aaron all by herself. “Chet!” She yelled his name as loud as she could. With the door open, and the barrier between their two apartments as thin as paper, he had to hear her.

Aaron’s pale skin flushed red, his eyes wide and wild. He clamped a hand over her mouth, pushing her further into her apartment, then slammed the door closed.

She opened her mouth to yell again, but his sweaty palm swallowed her screams.

“What the hell is your problem? I came here to make things right.” Each word was louder than the next. He increased the pressure on her mouth.

She winced then bit into his flesh. The tinny taste of blood flooded her mouth.

He dropped his hand. “You bitch.” His swung back his uninjured hand then swiped it across her face, slapping her with his knuckles.

She stumbled away, shocked that he’d laid a hand on her. Her hands flew to her throbbing check. Panic increased her heart rate, and she darted her gaze around the room. Searching for the quickest escape. Tears stung her eyes, but this time, she couldn’t do anything to stop them from falling.