Beau clapped a hand on her knee. “We’ll all do everything we can to finally put this behind you.”

Lifting her head, she met his eyes. “I hope so.”

Needing to focus on something else for just one second, she rested her hand on his. A bolt of electricity shot up her arm, and she relished the sensation—relished the idea that something positive and exciting could still come into her life.

Beau swallowed hard, refusing to glance away. “Do you need me to see you home?”

As thoughtful as the suggestion was, the question stomped down on her heart. She wanted to be near Beau, wanted him to want to be close to her, not counting down the minutes before he could take her home. But what did she expect? She’d left him high and dry. If she wanted a second chance at life—a second chance with Beau—she’d need to do more than touch his hand. “I’ll be fine. Though I do think you talking to Paxton is a good idea. Maybe you can stop by the house when you’re free?”

The side of his mouth hitched up. “I’d like that.”

She jumped to her feet and wiped her sweaty palm on the side of her leg. “Okay. Just call me later, then? Do you still have my number?”

He rose slowly, his long legs and muscular build dwarfing her in a way it never had when he’d still been a kid in high school. “I’d never get rid of your number, Izzy. I’ll call when I get a chance.”

She gave one nod of her head, a lightness she hadn’t experienced since that cold night months before lifting each step she took toward the door. She bounded down the stairs of the trailer and headed toward her car.

The sounds of the construction crew had gone. The tiny ping of hunger in the pit of her stomach told her it was probably lunch time. She hadn’t been able to eat much lately, but a new sense of hope for her future had her craving a burger from the Chill N’ Grill. Maybe she’d stop on the way home and indulge.

Gravel crunched under her tennis shoes, and she chanced a peek over her shoulder. Beau stood with his hands shoved in the front pockets of his trousers—damn he looked good in uniform—and waved. An old threat might have stormed back into her life, but at least she could work on righting a wrong from years before. A wrong she’d regretted as she’d laid in bed at night and dreamt of Beau’s soft touch and gentle words. One day at Crossroads Mountain Retreat had already shown her a path toward healing that she hadn’t even considered.

Turning back to her car, she gripped the door handle and a flash of movement at the tree line no more than ten yards away caught her eye. She darted her gaze through the flowering bushes and pine trees, her heart rate picking up its pace.

A man ran out of the dense underbrush. A glare of light bounced off a knife in his hand as he charged her.

* * *

Electricitystill tingled Beau’s hand as he lifted it in the air, waving goodbye and watching Izzy walk to her car. He fought the urge to accompany her across the parking lot, not wanted to crowd her—to appear like an overprotective neanderthal who couldn’t control himself after a simple request for a phone call.

To talk to her sister.

Not exactly what he wanted, but he’d take anything Izzy could offer. He’d bided his time for years, waiting for the right moment to confess his feelings. With everything she’d been through, he couldn’t bombard her with more. He’d stand by her side, if she let him, and be there when she was ready.

He turned to head back to the cabin. A piercing scream ripped through the air, sending a flock of birds into the sky. Adrenaline leaked through his system, and his training kicked in. He ran for Izzy.

A man rounded the hood of Izzy’s car. She stumbled as she turned to flee, her eyes catching his from across the open space between them and hurling herself in his direction.

He reached for his gun. Fear like he’d never known beat against his temples with every thud of his heart. He needed to get a little closer to get off an accurate shot. “Stop! Put your hands in the air!”

Dust flew around Izzy’s feet. Her face pinched together as she ran.

He kept his focus on the man with the baseball hat pulled low over his forehead. His momentum stalled, hesitation locking him in place as he darted his gaze between Beau and Izzy. Bending down, he picked something up from the ground, pulled back his arm, and threw it forward.

Izzy fell, a sharp cry squeaking from her, and she collapsed onto her knees. She grabbed the side of her head.

Thirty yards still separated Beau from Izzy’s attacker, but he had to act. Planting his feet, he aimed his weapon at the man and squeezed the trigger.

The bullet slammed against the metal of the car, inches from the man.

Izzy rolled into a ball on the ground and covered her ears with her hands.

Beau erupted into a sprint, his gun trained ahead.

The man turned and bolted, disappearing into the trees.

Beau stuffed his weapon back in its holster and beat back the desire to scour the woods for the asshole who’d come after Izzy. He dropped to his knees beside her. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

She stayed in the fetal position, her body shaking like the leaves shimmering along with the subtle breeze. “Is he gone?”