“That’ll be all,” Izzy said, taking the bag.

Beau paid the tab. “See you soon.”

The older woman grinned. “I should hope so. You, too, Izzy. It’s been way too long since I’ve seen that beautiful face.”

Izzy’s smile didn’t leave until they were back outside. “What’d she give you?”

He opened the bag and inhaled the scents of maple and sugar. “Maple long john doughnut and she threw in an extra croissant. Want to split it before we head home?”

“Just don’t tell Paxton.”

He led her across the deserted street to the sidewalk that cut through the grassy patch in the center of town. Halos of light glimmered off the red brick. He ushered Izzy to one of the benches facing the mom-and-pop shops that surrounded them then sat beside her. “Not a lot of people out tonight.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “I like it like this. So quiet. It’s as if we’re the only two people in the world.”

Draping his arm around her shoulders, he skimmed his fingertips up and down the side of her arm. “It’s peaceful.”

“I haven’t been this relaxed in longer than I can remember,” she said, a hint of sadness weighing down her words.

He stared ahead, watching Bob Truly emerge from the hardware store, his trusty toolbox in his hand, and tried not to think about all the horrible things Izzy had endured. “You’ve been through a lot.”

She turned her head to stare at him. “Even before that. Nothing felt as right as this.”

“I know the feeling. But you know what will make this moment even better?”


He reached into the bag, pulled out a powder-sugar dusted croissant, and shoved it in Izzy’s face.

She squealed then laughed as she took a chunk out of her dessert. “You brat!” Chocolate oozed from the pastry and smeared along the corner of her mouth.

Chuckling, he swiped his thumb over the mess then pressed his lips to hers. She tasted sweet and sinful at the same time—like salvation.

And he hoped like hell she wouldn’t leave him broken hearted yet again.


Asugar-induced high had Izzy floating as Beau drove them through town to her childhood home. She smiled to herself and stared at Beau’s strong profile as he concentrated on taking the sharp turn that led into her neighborhood. His lips were full, his jaw strong and covered with the stubble that gave him an edge she loved.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t the pastry that had her spiraling higher than a kite on a spring day. Maybe it had to do with the kisses they’d shared.

She tightened her grip on the top of the bakery bag as she replayed the earlier events in her mind. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she’d first stepped foot at Crossroads Mountain Retreat to help Brooke with the cabins. Anxiety and fear had weighed her down, those emotions only heightened after her near abduction and the realization that sex-traffickers still lingered nearby.

But even though the threat hung over her head, all that seemed a million miles away. In this moment there was only her and Beau and the beautiful backdrop of mountains in front of them. Nothing else mattered.

“No lights on at your place,” Beau said, pulling into the gravel driveway.

Her home was nestled between two other houses in a small neighborhood just outside of town. Modest, ranch homes made of brick lined the streets with ample yards and ancient trees between. No streetlights lit a path for travelers, and she hadn’t considered flipping on the porchlight before they’d left earlier.

“Mom is still at work, and I guess Paxton isn’t back yet. Her car isn’t parked in front of the shed where it usually is.” An unexpected flash of apprehension shoved aside her earlier excitement, but there was no reason to be afraid. Beau was with her, and yes, part of the reason he’d agreed to stay the night was to keep her safe. So there was nothing to worry about.

“Can I park anywhere?”

“Just pull right in front of the garage.” Not like her mom or sister would care where Beau left his truck, but she’d rather he picked the spot closest to the house.

Beau shut off the engine and reached into the second row of seating to grab his duffle bag. “Got the dessert?”

“Yep.” She forced a cheerfulness to her voice she didn’t feel.