A flash of uncertainty had her rubbing her collarbone. Nerves danced in her gut. At the police station, she’d been inspired to use her past trauma for good, but maybe that was stupid. Really, who was she to help anyone?

Not wanting to put her thought into the universe just yet, she decided to turn the tables on Beau. “How did you know you wanted to be a police officer? You never really talked about wanting to get into law enforcement. I always thought you’d go to college, earn a degree in engineering or something. Get a job to use that creative side you always had.”

Shrugging, he rocked back on his heels. “I just wanted to help people in my community. I never had the urge to leave Pine Valley like you did. I love it here. Love having my parents on the other side of town and knowing everyone’s name. When I thought about who impacted me as I grew up, it was always the police. The first responders. The firefighters. They always showed up when there was trouble. Always lent a helping hand.”

She smiled. “I bet you’re a great police officer. You’ve always been a good friend and neighbor.”

“I haven’t had much practice yet. My parents are terrified I’ll get hurt, but it’s part of the risk.” Grinning, he wiggled his eyebrows. “See, we all have those risks sometimes.”

She let out a shaky breath. “True. I wish there was a giant roadmap laid out for me. Showing which way to turn, which routes to avoid. I mean, how do I know if I’m making a mistake until the mistake is already made?”

“What if you do?” He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger for an extra second before dropping it to his side.

She furrowed her brow. “What if I do what?”

“Make a mistake. We all make them. If you make a mistake about what you want for your future, about the type of person you want to be, what happens? Is your life in shambles? Will you fall apart and destroy everything?”

“Wow, you really suck at this motivational stuff.”

He let out a full belly laugh. “Stick with me a minute. You went to college to find out who you really are and now you’re back home after a horrible situation. So you decide to go back to school and it isn’t what you want anymore, what’s the worst that can happen?”

Considering his question, she bit her thumbnail. “I waste time and money. I have to start over. I push people further away because I chose to run again.”

“You can leave without pushing people away,” Beau said, his voice gentle and cracking with emotion.

She dropped her gaze to the tan carpet in his living room. “And if I decide to stay?”

He took a step forward and erased the distance she’d put between them. “If you stay because that’s what you truly want, the rest will fall into place.”

Her phone rang, crashing into the moment like a bucket of icy water. She snatched if from her back pocket and offered Beau a quick smile before answering. “Hi Paxton. Everything okay?”

“Just wondering how you’re doing. Gavin and I finished dinner and he’s about to bring me home.”

A new appreciation for her sister’s concern tightened her chest. “I’m fine. Beau wanted to stop by his place after we left the station. We’re leaving soon.”

Beau retrieved the keys and wallet he’d dropped in a little dish by the door then jammed his feet into a pair of sneakers.

“Perfect. Did you eat anything?” Paxton asked.

“No, but I’m sure Beau won’t mind picking up something on the way.”

“How about you guys text me what you want from the Chill N’ Grill, and I’ll place the order to bring home?”

With her phone still pressed to her ear, Izzy sidestepped Beau and slipped on her own shoes. “That’d be great. Thank you. Is there anything you need me to grab before I get home?” If she wanted to start being there for other people, she should start by showing up for her family the way they’d shown up for her.

“Will you be passing through town?”

“Yes,” Izzy said with a small laugh. She knew her sister well enough to know why she asked. “You want something from Crawley’s Confections?”

“Yes, please!”

“We can handle that. I’ll be home soon.” She hung up and returned her phone to her pocket.

“Evening bakery run, huh?” Beau asked, twirling his keys around his finger.

“If you don’t mind.” She rounded her eyes and flashed her most pathetic look.

“For you and Paxton, anything.”