Even with only the dim moonlight shining through the windows, Beau’s concern was bright as day. “Is everything all right?”

She shook her head. He knew her too damn well so there was zero reason to hide anything from him. “I don’t know. I’m sure I’m just being silly, but I have this weird feeling. Like something isn’t quite right, but I have no idea what.”

“Always trust your gut.” Reaching across her, Beau flipped open the glove box and pulled out a gun.

Izzy widened her eyes. “What are you doing?”

He shoved the gun in the waistband of his jeans, nestled against the small of his back. “Just being cautious. I trust your instincts, and if you get the sensation something is wrong, I take that seriously.”

She pressed a hand to her stomach to squelch the nerves. “Okay. Makes sense.”

Jumping out of the vehicle, he ran to the passenger side door and opened it. “I’m sure everything is fine, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

She nodded as she hopped down then followed him to the front stoop. She stayed close to his back, the hairs on her arms standing straight up as if being watched.

Beau took the two cement stairs in one big step then stopped. His body tightened, and he muttered something she couldn’t make out under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” She glanced around, searching behind the bushes that filled the flower bed in front of the house.

“The door’s ajar.”

She stiffened and fisted his soft t-shirt in her hand and tried to steady her rapid heartbeat. “What should we do?”

“Stay close,” Beau said, securing his weapon in his grip. “I want to make sure no one is in the house.”

“Hold on one second. Let me text Paxton and tell her what’s going on. I don’t want her to show up and scare the snot out of us.”

“Good idea.”

She snatched her phone from her back pocket with trembling fingers and pounded out a quick text, telling her sister to stay put until she let her know there were no issues. “Okay,” she said, sliding her phone back in place. “I’m ready.”

Fear tightened her throat and slowed her steps as she followed him into the house. Darkness greeted them, long shadows falling in creepy shapes in the living room. The old floor squeaked under her feet, each sound making her wince.

Beau flipped the switches on the wall, and light illuminated the hallway and family room.

She blinked to adjust her eyes. Everything appeared to be in its place—the red throw draped over the gray couch. Her still-full mug of hot chocolate on the end table.

Tiptoeing into the room, Beau checked behind the drapes and the furniture. “Nothing in here.”

She blew out a shaky breath.

He glanced over his shoulder and grinned then continued down the hall. He ducked into the bedrooms.

Izzy stayed close as he searched every corner. She kept on high alert, attuned to every sound. Every shift of energy. Her muscles coiled tight, as if subconsciously prepared to run.

Beau dropped to his knees and glanced under her bed. “Nothing.” He straightened, propping his forearms on the mattress. “Wow, it’s weird being in here. It looks exactly the same as it did in high school.”

Embarrassment flamed her face as she saw her pink curtains and the ratty teddy bear she kept on her bed with a fresh set of eyes. She crinkled her nose. “I never thought to change it. I didn’t come back much.”

“It still suits you,” he said, climbing to his feet. “I have to clear the bathroom before we get to the kitchen.”

Relief loosened the knot in her gut. She fell into step behind him, watching from the doorway of the kitchen as he disappeared into the little restroom she shared with her mom and sister.

The faint sound of a footstep behind her made the energy crackle with tension. Steeling her nerves, she attempted to spin around, and a strong arm hooked around her waist locked her in place. “Bea—”

A sweaty palm clamped down on her mouth. “Quiet or you’ll make me do something we’ll both regret.”

Something sharp dug into her side, and an image of the knife he held earlier flashed in her mind. Panic clawed at her throat. The man who held her against him dragged her backward.