Page 40 of Sinner's Saint

“We spoke over the phone.”

“Can’t say I recall. She’s not the first patient I’ve lost.”

“Huh. I was still at Branch Spring’s P.D. back then.” Reynolds gestured between them. “This is about as full circle as you can get. Years later, sitting here, talking to you about a different case.”

After a couple more questions that were far less intimidating, he tucked his notebook inside his jacket pocket and rose from the armchair.

Dayton didn’t remember saying goodbye but he must have as Reynolds saluted him like an overgrown boy scout as he ducked out the front door.

Left alone with a thundering heart and ringing ears.



Dayton clutched a bouquet of garnet roses, the same ones he’d given Kenna on her birthday. The bitter, cold wind rose and fell like a silent Gershwin symphony. He crossed the street half a block shy of the crosswalk.

Caution abandoned those who were in love.

Still, he wasn’t entirely without caution. He fought the urge to stare at the post on his way across the street. Glaring at the traffic camera that caught his exchange with Lacey would’ve been ill-advised.

It was something as simple as noticing the camera that sent the brief but panic-inspiring interaction with Detective Reynolds to the forefront of his mind. The questions and the extended pauses and the silent accusations buried within his looks. Weeks had passed and the meeting continued to haunt him.

Hand curled around the bar on the practice door, he banished those thoughts. He needed a distraction. A chance to get away from the investigation that was slowly bleeding into his life; and, unbeknownst to Kenna, she was going to accompany him.

The digital chimes went off as he pushed the door open and she fleetingly glanced up from whatever coursework she was undoubtedly working on. He’d always found her beautiful in that deep state of concentration.

He laid the flowers on the corner of the reception desk. “I want to speak with you before you leave this afternoon. Say okay.”


“Tell the patient I’m ready.”

Dayton toed off toward the session space. A light perspiration clung to his skin, a byproduct of the anticipation of the conversation they’d have later.

Kenna’s sweet voice rang out in the waiting area.

“Dr. Merino will see you now, Ms. Griffith.”

It was so very different from the tone she used with him. The inherent kindness in her voice dried up. He liked to think it was her real voice, but no one else had ever coaxed it out of her.

He dutifully spent his 60 minutes with Ms. Griffith and was quite pleased with the level of attentiveness he’d managed to spare her despite the subtle trace of anxiety gently rippling through his chest.

Tiny white caps on a calm day at sea.

After the patient had gone, he awaited Kenna’s presence in his private office. The approaching clack of Mary Janes on the tile soon gave way to her hovering by the doorjamb.

“You brought flowers and summoned me to your office. This doesn’t sound good.”

He rose and met her in the doorway, guiding her by the small of her back to the desk chair. Dayton lightly pushed her thighs until she took a hint and sat down.

“You’re making me nervous,” she said.

He seized her hands, relishing in their heat as it spread across his icy palms. Kenna looked at him, and though it was marred with worry, he recognized the affection she had for him shining like diamonds amid those emerald pools. She’d never said it aloud but that moment transcended language.

“I want you to meet my family.”

She hung her head, peeking at him through her eyelashes. “Dayton, that doesn’t make sense. I’m a grad student who you slept with once. Not to mention the troubling detail that I work for you 20 hours a week.”