“There’s a strength in you,” I add. “You’re so much tougher than you know.”

I squeeze her hand and long to do more. My need for her is always at the forefront of my mind no matter what the situation. Even when we’re about to go into our most dangerous operation yet.

We park out of sight, down the street from the mansion. Caroline helps us to sneak past the gates, and we surround the area. Caroline’s with Apollo and me, while the other guys are around the perimeter at varying lengths.

After what feels like forever, it’s time for the attack. Apollo makes the command. He and I take Caroline and sneak through the windows of the maids’ apartments.

Caroline’s father’s estate is fucking huge, too grand for even Archibald to have enough men to cover all the entrances. Besides, it’s littered with secret passageways and rooms.

We can easily get in, but can we easily take down whatever awaits us in there? We’re about to find out.

“Stay here,” Apollo tells Caroline, a touch of sternness in his voice.

He fucking means it, and I support him fully. She needs to stay here for her own protection. And knowing what a fireball she is, I wouldn’t put it past her to get lofty notions in her mind of helping us.

“Seriously.” I hold her firmly in my grip, my eyes pleading. “Do not leave or you could get killed. I have to know where to find you.”

She kisses me and ignites my sensual nature. Fucking hell, not at a time like this.

“I want to, baby, but you know this isn’t the time.” It takes every last bit of willpower I have to say it.

She kisses me and gives me a teasing grin, saying, “Don’t die.”

And then she kisses Apollo and sends us off with her blessing. What could make her lighthearted at this moment, I have no fucking clue, but it helps to take the pressure off, I’ll say that much.

Knowing she’s safe and hidden allows us to make our entrance. One by one, we silently and efficiently kill off the bodyguards who are standing at various points around the house.

Then we make our big move. All of us converge upon the room where we find Archibald cowering. He’s here, just like Edwin said he would be. The sight of this goddamn traitor makes me fucking sick to my stomach.

It’s a bloodbath as we open fire and spray bullets into the remaining men who try to keep us at bay. Not fucking happening. Not today.

There’s no question that we have the upper hand. We surround Archibald and confront him.

“You fucking bastard,” I seethe, shoving the barrel of my gun in his pathetic, whimpering face. “You betrayed us.”

“It’s true,” he practically cries. “I was against you the entire time. But you have to understand that I’m a weak man, what else was I supposed to do?”

Fucking understatement of the year.

“How about stay on the right side, you bastard? You used us to do your dirty work then turned on us at the first sign of trouble. You don’t have one single shred of dignity, do you?” I push my gun even harder against his forehead, taking sick pleasure in seeing his brow break out in beads of sweat.

I just want to fucking killing him, blow his goddamn brains out, and then I can tell Caroline that I was the one to slay the turncoat. The one to keep her safe in the end. The idea of bragging about it to her and making her think highly of me turns me makes me rock-hard.

I want to do it. I crave the blood of my arch nemesis, I want it on my hands, his death by my weapon.

I grab Archibald by the throat and yank him up, pushing my gun so hard against his head that he winces in pain.

“Why’d you do it?” I demand, my voice low and steely.

“Fine. Fine,” he whimpers. “You have me, okay? It doesn’t mean we can’t make amends.”

“Like hell it doesn’t,” Marshall yells, moving in next to me, and I can tell he’s just as anxious to make this kill as I am.

“I did it for the money. That girl has a huge trust fund. I collaborated with Edwin, and this was all a plan to kill the daughter and to take her inheritance. You must believe me, I was going to share it with you. I swear. You’re my Vice Presidents. I never once thought about leaving you out of the deal. Can’t we make this right?”

His groveling is disgusting. The man can’t even summon pride during his final moments. He’s a sniveling little pussy, and I’m more than ready to end him.

Just then, there’s a wound to my shoulder. I’ve been shot, and it forces me to release Archibald and to drop my weapon.